fidgit profile picture


About Me

buoyantly choppy in a sea of ambivalent radiance. i wish i was the robot you made out of tin cans as a kid. i like rubber chickens but not as much as other people like to give me them. green walls are good and fireplaces are better. organized chaos and egg drop soup make me smile.i enjoy being short and think you should try it sometime. bear hugs remind me why we are alive but handshakes remind me why people can disappoint you. i want to own a hypothetical dog that would get so fat it would have to ride a skateboard to walk. i feel like in a parallel universe lamp and pant would be the same word. when i am alone i dance with exuberance and talk to myself. and i always try to be a good person but in reality i could give a fuck.... This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

At this point if you live in atlanta and i haven't met you either: 1. you live in buckhead (and i feel bad for you) 2. we are probably three cluster fuck steps away from meeting and it will happen soon 3. i saw the restraining orders from your last five friends and can you spell D-R-A-M-A? more important i think is how i feel after meeting you. ideally the best way for this to go is that the rubber bands that hold my shoulders together will grow taunt (or even fray...but that might not be good)and either i will talk to fast and to much b/c: 1. you are easy to talk to 2. i think we can learn a lot from each other 3. you are pissing me off or i won't talk at all b/c: are amazing me 2. you are overwhelming me 3. you are pissing me off and you will know where you stand based on whether 1. i take your number ( i will never call you) 2. i give you my number ( i will never answer and very likely never call you back) 3. we exchange numbers (good luck) so now that you know the rules.....Hope to see you soon!!!

My Blog

fucking robert rauschenburg!

scarred white walls. paint splattered grey floors. more windows than i remembered, but that just meant we had more light. i can see my teacher all hawaiian shirt and big white sneakers. lorna horne co...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:20:00 GMT

b/c i promised

Something to do . . . Current mood: awake Leave Your Name!Leave your name in my ...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 00:52:00 GMT

i think

i think tomorrow i will cover myself in a thick layer of fish hooks. that way i will never be expected to touch anyone again. interactions will become minimal b/c who the fuck wants to hug the crazy g...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 22:24:00 GMT