left vallejo in march 2004 - 36 days after jay & i got married. i had visited baltimore 2x and quantico once before my move, so i kinda knew what to expect. well, except for the gi-normous spiders and ants. oh, and va vehicle inspections, county stickers, and weird stuff like that. living on base was a'ight, but buying our own spot was an even better idea. so we've been at our li'l humble fredericksburg abode since apr/may of '05. jay loves this crib. i do, too, but love to dream about a bigger home w/ more baby, rec, work, and storage space plus less yard. yup, that's right - wanna make room for baby who's due on march 17th. we're really excited and so in-love w/ the little person already. from the moment jay & i got together about 7 years ago, i knew he was great w/ kids, seeing him w/ our niece areanna. babies have an instant connection w/ him and i love kids just as much, having been around my nephews since i was 13. they are awesome and i'm lucky to be their auntie. i'm 11 weeks pregnant today and SO anxious to find out our baby's gender. sometimes it's tough knowing i have to wait a minimum of 8-9 more weeks. the chinese conception calendar says boy and the gold necklace test says girl. i'm rarely an impatient person, but damnit - this sho is testin' me! there are a lotta things i miss about living in the bay. besides family and friends, i miss the tons of filipino food and hawaiian bbq joints nearby and that bay/norcal vibe. i can do w/out the drama, sucky air, and outrageous gas prices. traffic and housing prices here & there are essentially the same, except that here the homes give you more bang for that $600+K mortgage. not that i have one or want one. perhaps someday.