Hmm well lets see, I have a fascination with Norse lore that could be considered somewhat unhealthy, I can't keep fish because they have a bad habit of dying whilst i own them (the last one I had looked like Sissy Spacek on ecstasy, and obviously he died) yes, he was a HE.
I am over the moon at the moment about a certain person whom I met at Izzy's party who I hope to see again, who dwells in a bogan realm. hahahahah
I love Dawn French and Angelina Jolie, also I have an awful lot of respect for Bob Hoskins. Don't ask me why I just seemed to latch onto him when I saw him as Shme in 'Hook' when I was at the jolly old age of eight.
Now he's playing some sadistic human rights abuser (TO THE MAX) in a new film with Jet Li and Terry Condon, 'Unleashed', but don't think I will hold any less respect for him! He's Shme forever in my mind.
I love Dinotopia (don't snort at me I will punch you, don't think I won't, just because I beam like an exuberant lightbulb half the time doesnt mean I can't be vicious!) and I HATE HATE HATE DAN BROWN!
oh you like him do you? *PUNCH* -- *RUNS AWAY LAUGHING MANIACALLY INTO HILLS TO BEFRIEND WOLVES* -- oh yes, I also will punch you for worshipping Dan Brown.
Oh and I do have undying love (aside from Joe) for dear old Jeordie White who I will always call Twiggy despite the fact he no longer plays for MM. ok, NIN are touring soon, wooooooooo! TwigJeor here I come!In conclusion, small children must be kept out of MY max brenner's at all cost, under pain of disemboweling.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Edgar Alan Poe, Jeordie White, Keith Richards, Alan Rickman, Poppin Fresh or whatever he's called, and...and....the highwayman in that song or rhyme thingy. Izzy knows what I'm talking about....
My Blog
Gawd its Saturday morning of the long weekend and I have to clean (CLEAN!) for my mother. Vaccuming, dusting and the such, when all I really want to do is lollop around in front of the television eati... Posted by on Fri, 10 Jun 2005 18:40:00 GMT
space vehicles, movie ratings and lord of the flies re-enactment societies
Well hello out there all my - woa thats one hell of a buttocks *is apalled at anti cellulite add* - fellow friends out there.
how are things in the worlds of st elsewheres? My english teacher is scary... Posted by on Fri, 10 Jun 2005 05:01:00 GMT