*Abi* profile picture


About Me

ToPshOP PrinCeSs™

I’m finally seventeen, I used to lie when I was fifteen about being this age and now I don’t have to! I’m a student at Canterbury college FINISHING my AS levels and I’m very optimistic considering I don’t have a clue what I want to start in September. I work as a sales advisor in evans
and I love my job, you meet so many different people, plus there is always something to do!
I adore music, always have always will, I’m classed as ‘indie’, BUT I don’t listen to just indie!!!!! I adore drum n bass, dance, hardcore, ska and some aspects of punk, at the end of the day music does not define an individual!
Theres so many things I’m looking forward to: the day I pass my driving test, Beach partys and reading festival… (bloc party n klaxons again!)
I believe your shaped by the people your closest to and the lessons you learn from life are influenced by situations changing. My family are amazing and are always there, supportive in everything. My mates change constantly but
my friends haven’t Kerry, Lauren, Amber, Becca and Bethan, your amazing. Last but not least I have a boyfriend who is so emense I couldn’t imagine life without him, and apparently he looks like the lead singer of mc fly! Craig Ily.

My Interests


Best of the Best:


current playlist:
kate nash
we smoke fags
imogen heap

My Blog

unveiling the past

(written as a series of emails)     Sender: [email protected] Receiver: [email protected] Date: 05/08/05 Subject: hello   Hello, I'm James. You probably won't remember me but ...
Posted by *Abi* on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 01:29:00 PST

That pivotal moment

(written as a monolgue)     Sarah inhales the city fumes, whilst staring out onto the industrial ocean. Its late in the afternoon, she's finished work and sitting on a ledge I'll never forg...
Posted by *Abi* on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 01:21:00 PST

Triggering the unstable

(This is a short story i wrote, not 100% on this one, but let me know what you all think)   Triggering the unstable   This is life. You live it, learn from it if your smart, then you die. Si...
Posted by *Abi* on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 12:13:00 PST