A Worker's Collective: What is it, and why is it important?
Collective: a group of people who are motivated by at least one common issue or interest, or work together on a specific project(s) to achieve a common objective. Collectives are also characterised by sharing and exercising political and social power and to make decisions on a consensus-driven and egalitarian basis. This means the operation runs on a horizontal level and every person has an equal say. Collectives differ from cooperatives in that they are not necessarily focused upon an economic benefit or saving. Meaning collectives are created from hope for a better world, not because of profit. They are driven by love, not by greed. Collectives are made sustained by the community they serve.
A worker's collective's, such as us at TJ's Vegan Pizza, is important because the decisions are made by the people putting in the blood, sweat, and love - not by a boss who does minimal to no labor and only has a vission of the almighty dollar. Collectives add to communities, communities add to collectives. When a collective is in a community it offers an alternative to a corporate business that is common to be seen on every four or so blocks. Making collectives important to have in communities because they offer that homey, welcoming feeling over a standard corporate in and out vibe.
When you support a local collective you are directly supporting your neighbors, as you'd want to be supported by them. We're living in a world where we are unfortunately distanced from an actual feeling of community. We must push that aside, talk to our neighbors, buy local, and build stronger communities.