i been getting into art a bit ey... i cant draw but i can see things through a pic. I can make a story out of an image..... u can call me leanardo divinci if u want. im da man!AND I AM VERY INTERESTED IN THIS GIRL!
I'd like to meet , the doctors who delivered me when i was born, my kindergarten teacher, my first football coach...One day i got lost in fiji at the airport... all alone i was scared, fearful and trembling with anxiety... i started to ask my 5 yeard old self questions... is this it?? will i ever see my mother of father or family ever again??? At that moment an angel in the form of an english tourist approached me and lead me back to my fams....this is who i would like to meet again! i would also like to meet me iN 10 years and a person who has been shot 11 times and lives to tell the tale!! u da mAN!
EvErYTiN And AnYthIn.... Put it this way. I am not your typical black hip hop freak.... From Enya to Bob Marley..... From Kanye West to Artic monkey and Foo fighters..... Theres to much music to have a favourite. Oh I loves DISNEY SOUNDTRACKS!!!
wAlK To ReMeMber, FoRrEsT GumP, BrAveHeart, LeGeNds Of ThE fAll, WeRe SolDiErS, DuMb AnD DumbA, lOvE Em All! and click.....
i like it.....
bIbLe, BiOG. ChArlEs FiNNey, and JoHn C. MaXweLL "TODAY MATTERS".
My MuM AnD DaD!!!! And my FIANCEE!!!