Anyone worth knowing. And some people who aren't. Don't ask me to qualify those statements because I really can't. it just sounded kinda cool. Oh, and a hot massage therapist who will work for beer.
I'm a big fan of alot of Texas Country. Nashville Sucks. I listen to most punk and rock. Not so much when it comes to hip hop or rap.
I like comedies in general, action in moderation. Anything classic, most westerns and absolutely nothing in the horror/gore/slasher category. And don't tell anybody, but I dig alot of chick flicks.
History channel. Soccer network. News. Becker. Sex in the City. (I know creepy)
Name it. Some of my favorites are Tom Robbins, Jacquelin Carey, George Martin and Christopher Moore. I read a couple books a week. I've kinda been on a self help kick lately. The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck might just be the most life affirming and inspirational volume that i've ever been gifted with.