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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Are you rewarded enough in your life?
Do you deserve more than you get?
- I might be able to help you!
My name is Mikael Hoffmann,
I am 47 years old and live in Copenhagen, Denmark,
and I would like to tell you a little about myself.

But first I would like to ask you five questions:
    What are YOU dreaming about in your life? Have you still got some dreams and goals that are unfulfilled? When you were a child, did you dream about something you would like to do or become, when you grew up? How many of these goals are still unfulfilled today? What have you done, to reach your goals?

I have also had dreams and many of them are already fulfilled.
El Camino meditation walk in Spain
I have just come home from this year's Camino Walk in Spain. 500 km / 300 miles in 19 days. A meditation walk.
Introduction video about the walk
28 insights from the Camino in Spain
The route at the Camino in Spain
The equipment to bring on long distance walking
MovieMaker - Learn how to make professional looking videos
See also the pictures and read the descriptions at
And here comes my story:
For 12 years I sailed as a shipmate and as a captain in the merchant marine and I have visited many exciting countries around the world. At that time, ships were docked in interesting ports for many days at a time and I had lots of time to see what was going on.
I also had long vacations where I travelled around the world backpacking and sometimes in a more luxurious way. I have already visited more than 40 different countries.
The advantage about my life was that I had plenty of time and money to travel – but what I didn’t like was being away from home for long periods of time.
That life ended when I turned 30 years old.
Then I became engineer and I started my own company as a self employed consultant. That meant a lot of exciting work and I was my own boss, which suited me perfectly.
But it was incredibly stressful because I had to spend a lot of time looking for new customers, almost before I had finished with the old ones. Spare time was scarce and the income varied enormously.
In the periods where my company didn’t go so well, I had to take on an ordinary job.
That part of my life ended almost 2 years ago (in January 2004).
I have now finally created a fantastic life for myself, which is very enjoyable.
Let me describe my day:
Every morning I wake up, when I have finished sleeping. It is typically around 7 - 8am.
There is no alarm clock to disturb my sleep – apart from when I have to get up early to go to the airport on some exciting trip.
I start my day with meditation or a short walk or read the newspaper – whatever takes my fancy that morning.
My working week is at about 15 hours.
With a full time income, that is!
Typically I work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and my work consists of coaching others over the telephone. I generally help people to do what I do. That is getting a better health and earn good money and have a lifestyle we want.
I also write articles or reports (and create websites) or maybe give a lecture from time to time. Teaching other people in lifestyle and health is the main thing.
In the spring of 2005 I published the book called ”Limu Moui”. It is about a very healthy sea weed plant.
The difference between my ”job” and conventional jobs is that in a ”normal” job you spent 80% of your resources on the 20% most problematic activities. That can be dissatisfied customers, errors, faults and so on.
On the contrary I spend 80% of my resources and my time on the 20% most positive and pleasant activities. These activities are the relationship between people that are self-driven and want to have a better life. I do not spend any time on those who do not want to improve their life.
I don’t have to worry about inventory, accounting, dissatisfied employees, unpleasant bosses or irritating customers. Neither do I have to spend hours and hours in a car or on a train in the middle of peak hour twice a day. Nor do I have to worry about holidays being sold out in the 5 weeks we have every year.
I am together only with people I love being together with and we only do want we like to do.
All 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Nobody tells me WHAT to do, WHEN to do it, HOW to do it, or WITH WHOM I have to do it with. I decide for myself 100%.
.. For 2 years I have walked 500 km (300 miles) on El Camino in Spain. Click here to read more about it and see the pictures.
In my leisure time, which I have quite a lot of I am primarily studying to be a psychotherapist at the Ole Vadum Dahl’s ID-education here in Denmark. Apart from that I read books and do a little computer programming for fun. I go to the gym, swim and attend yoga, I bike a lot, roller skate and recently I attended an Intuitive Painting seminar.
I attend Toastmasters , where we enjoy practicing doing speeches.
I am skiing , and singing in a choir and playing golf .
If I am sleepy during the day I take a nap. In the evening I go to bed when I am tired. That is normally at about 11-12 pm.
..The past three years I am on a cruise in November in the Caribbean for 10 days.
I do that every year. What a great way to take a vacation!
You can do that too, if you want to. Click her to experience how.
Are you aware that you can have a week of luxary with everything paid for (food and entertainment) - for only $600 / £330 / €400 + air fare to New Orleans!
Over all I enjoy myself and do what I like to do, and nothing else.
Who do I help?
All kind of different people.
Click here to read about the psysical help I have done to people.
Click at to read more about my life - and how I help others to achieve that too, if they want.
Finances and PIN codes. How to use it easily

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people who want freedom and dignity in their life - like I have!
And I might be able to help them get what they want!
The past 4 years I have helped about 6,000 people having a better health, and I have helped around 250 people get an income, either as a supplement to their regular income or as a replacement so they don't have to work in a job anymore - just like me.....

I coach people who want to make a difference in the World.
Those that are willing to work with themselves and develop.
Those who take responsebility for their own lives and choices (that is not blaming others og complaining).
I help people find a purpose with their lives.

What does my coaching consist of?

Well, I help people create a better life.

Normally I coach over the telephone because my coaching clients are all over the world.

I demand five things from those who I coach:
That they are:

    S elf motivated (you do this of your own free will) K eeping your word (able to keep an agreement is the most important thing between people) W illing to learn (if you want something else out your life, then you have to do something different than you have done up until now) P ersistence (don’t ever give up, even though the results do not show up immediately) E thical (if you are not good intentions and thoughts, you will not obtain success. You must have high morals, if you want to work together with me!)

Who do I help?

All kinds of people.
At the moment (May 2007) I am coaching an Alternative Health Care Practitioner, a Shop Owner, an Assistant, a CEO, a singer, an inventer, and a Life-Coach.
I have earlier coached a lot of different people, among others a Reflexologist, whose goal was to only work 10 hours a week and give reflexology for free. Only if her clients met certain demands about self development. She is very close in reaching her goals at the moment.

In fact those I coach are divided in three main groups:
The first group are those who are struggling financially. They have a job where the salary is low and they are sick and tired about always having too little money.
The second group of people are incredibly busy. They are typically, self employed or company owners or they have a very demanding job – or maybe two jobs! They make good money, but they are frustrated about never having time for the family or their hobbies.
The third group I help are people that have good jobs. For example lawyers, doctors and politicians that have done very well for them selves in life. Their problem is that they have lost their purpose in life. Their job doesn’t appeal to them anymore and they miss something meaningful to spend their life on.


When I have coached people for a period of time, they obtain some extra space in their economy. That is REAL extra space and not the space that the banks talk about, because you have to pay back a loan…….
Some wish to have a little extra vacation a year. Others want to have their car payments paid.
A few of those I coach wish to live a life like I do, where they have a part time job with a full time income.
I was coached myself two years ago and in only six months I have reached a full time income and I have only lived from that income ever since. Month after month. Solid and good.


The people that I help without coaching them directly are also divided in three different groups:
One group are those that live healthy and sound, but they are worried about aging. They want to maintain their good health in their third age.
People in the second group are ill. Many of these people are desperate because it seems that the doctors have given up on them and their health challenge and they are not satisfied about being filled with artificial made poisonous medicine with side effects. They think like me that there must be another and more natural way of getting a better health.
The third group are sports people that have reached an upper limit of their capacity. I help them enhance their results.

At this video I tell a little bit about cleansing symptoms...

My life

Click at to read more about my life.

So my day is passing by doing things that I like to do, at the times I like to do it, with people I love.
And some times I meet people that have the same goals in life as me.
Namely helping other people getting better.
These people I can help reach their goals.
And I help them for free.
At the same time as I am making good money.

Another essential reason for doing all this, is that I have a goal, which is bigger than myself.
In nine years I will start a project for children that will require very big economical resources.
What this project is all about I will tell you when I talk to you directly.

"When you were born you cried and the world was pleased.......
Live your life,
so when you die the world is crying and you are pleased!"

As you can understand I have fulfilled a lot of my goals in life.
My name is Mikael (pronounced Michael) and I am a happy man.
I have found the purpose of my life.
I have found My Call.
That is why my name is MyCall. (Mi-kael)
The mening behind is not a joke even though it is funny.
I help people all over the world with their health, their wealth, and time to enjoy both.

When you have read all this you might think:
"WOW, what a life!
I want to be able to design my own life and live excactly as I wish."

Or you might think something completely different.......

IF you think the first thing, then your next thought might be:
"I will contact Mikael to hear how he can help me define and reach my goals....."
And you are right.
I will very much like to help you to have that succes you want.

Click at

In November I am for the third time going on a cruise in the Caribbean with my friends. I would very much like to go there with more friends this year. Look at the pictures from the last years by clicking here . Hope to see you there.

John Lennon

Do you know The Secret?

I like to hang around with some friends!!!
After seeing this video I want to take up sky-diving again!!!