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army dave

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About Me

About Me??? what do you wanna know i grew up in small town marysville, then moved to portland and some how i found my way to the tri-cites. im 19 years old and am in the united states armynational guard in washington. I dont have a problem with very many people untill you screw me over. im a very easy going person and just love to live everyday like its the last. I have made some fucked up choices in my life. Anything else you wanna know just ask???

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My Interests

wakeboarding, snowboarding, baseball, football, pretty much anything that has to do with sports.

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Any music that has a good beat. I LOVE PLAYING THE DRUMBS My dad owns his own music company Called AC Music, We book all the concerts in Eastern Washington and am helping all the underground bands make it, listen to our hits on 97.3 Rock


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i dont really watch to much t.v. but the networks that i do watch would be espn, comedy central, and a spike. there is way to many reality t.v. shows on t.v. now. and there all the same, someone gets drunk and hooks up with someone or someone gets drunk and fights someone else.


I Dont really read a whole lot of books to be honest. i cant even remember the last book i read


would have to be my aunt merri by far she has always been there for me no matter what. its amazing to see just what type of person she is and her drive to succeed in life. i give you lots of props. love you