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Chapel Mission India

loving the untouchables

About Me

Chapel Missions India, a ministry of Calvary Chapel Boise, Idaho, began its outreach to Indian children in 1989. L. Gunasekeran (Pastor Guna), who had been raised in a Christian orphanage in India, came to Boise, Idaho to visit his sister. Looking for direction in his life, Guna wandered into Calvary Chapel Boise.The same time all of this was happening, Pastor Bob Caldwell of Calvary Chapel Boise was in India- in Guna’s hometown of Bangalore- praying for God’s direction about how his church could help there. When Pastor Bob got back to the states the two met. Guna moved in with the Caldwell family and began an intense time of spiritual discipleship. Before long, their hearts became united in a shared passion to work together to bring Christ to the slums and villages of India.Since then God has opened countless doors to reach out to some of the most unreachable people on earth. With amazing personal sacrifice, a growing team of native evangelists and Pastors are planting churches throughout India. Their love for the poorest of the poor has also resulted in the development of orphanages for over five hundred abandoned children to date.More recently CMI has come across hundreds of families that are infected with AIDS. In India, there is virtually no education about the virus or how it is spread or how to prevent it. The virus is spreading quickly from person to person throughout the slums and villages of India. A lot of the time a man will contract HIV through a prostitute on the route he drives for work, or a temple prostitute where he will go to pay respect to his god. This is then brought home to his wife and passed all around the family.There are children all over India that are being orphaned by this horrible virus, or they die of it themselves. What CMI has decided to do about it is support the families affected by AIDS. The native pastors go and visit the families to see that the need is legitimate. After that the family is set up with an American sponsor who will support the families’ needs by way of food, rent, medical costs or school expenses.You hear people talking all of the time about how bad the world is and what needs to change about it. AIDS is spread person to person, but awareness, help and love is spread person to person. What can we do as individuals to help this cause and to better the unfairly shortened lives of these children?I can confidently tell you that 100% of your donation will go directly to who you send it to. The staff at CMI is paid out of Calvary Chapel Boise, not the CMI fund. To sponsor a family it costs $35 a month. This is how much most of us spend on coffee in a month.