Well I guess I could describe myself as mean spirited, sarcastic and sometimes hard to get along with. I am not always like that on purpose sometimes it just happens it’s like a gift. I am not very emotional, pretty distant, and rarely show what I really feel. I don't really hate anyone but not because I think there is good in every one or any cliché like that but because hate takes to much energy and if I really dislike a person that much why would I put forth that much effort. I am bad at calling people back and keeping in touch so my space is perfect because it’s easier to write a funny comment or send a stupid joke than calling and saying "sorry I did not call you back sooner." I sometimes have diarrhea of the mouth and can't keep my opinions to my self, and every once in a while I display slightly sociopathic traits. With all these qualities I find it kind of odd that I have as many friends as I do and doubly strange that someone married me and puts up with me on a daily basis.
My wife is fun to be with and a beautiful person inside and out she does not give herself enough credit and gives me too much credit.
My kids are perfect in everyway even when they are crying or they forget to make there bed or spill food on the floor.
All of my new cousins are fun to be around and I am happy they accept me as a part of their family.
And I know that all my real friends are there for me and I will try to make myself available to them even if I am 100 miles away.
Thats pretty much all I want to say about me and who I am and what I care about for now any questions just ask or try to figure it out from my photos.