Christine profile picture


C is for cookie and thats good enough for me

About Me

No excellent soul is excempt from a mixture of madness
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Name Christine Adams
Birthday May 23 1981
Birthplace Montreal
Current location Montreal
Eye color Greenish
Hair color Brown
Height 5'2
Right handed or left handed right
Your heritage Scottish & Brittish
The shoes you wore today high tops (super thrift store find)
Your weakness musicians and mohawks (the shorter kind)
Your fears bears (bad camping experience)
Your perfect pizza homemade veggie deluxe
Goal you would like to achieve this year to become rich and famous... i'll settle for a raise
Your most overused phrase on an instant messenger LOL
Thoughts first waking up five more minutes!
Your best physical feature my eyes... or my jugs depending on who you ask
Your bedtime usually around 12...
Your most missed memory hanging out w/ the RO gang in the Holly house basement
Favorite soda Stewart's orange crush
Favorite fast food restaurant Subways
Single dates or group dates both
Chocolate or vanilla Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee Cappuccino (but any caffeine has funny effects on me)
Do you smoke no (on the occasion a mangalore ganesh beedie)
Do you swear occasionally in French when I drive and like a Sailor w/ Coco... otherwise you're more likely to hear me say "golly" or "sugar"
Do you drink as well as I breathe
Do you sing loudly in the car
Do you shower daily yuppers
Have you ever been in love at least with the idea
Do you want to go to college been there... probably gonne do it again
Do you want to get married if the right guy comes along
Do you believe in yourself on good days
Do you get motion sickness nope
Do you think you are attractive on good days
Are you a health freak not really
Do you get along with your parents superbly
Do you like thunderstorms LOVE them! (except for that one time in my little aluminium boat when my motor almost died halfway across the lake )
Do you play an instrument many... very poorly
In the past month have you drank any alcohol I was in Lennoxvegas.. it's almost inevitable
In the past month have you smoked a beedie
In the past month have you been on drugs nope (I'm a freeking goodies two shoes)
In the past month have you been on a date nope
In the past month have you been to the mall yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of oreos no
In the past month have you eaten sushi YES! The sushi shop's vegetarian maki is like crack! (I mean not that I've taken crack, but I assume the addictive qualities are the same)
In the past month have you been on stage the world is a stage...
In the past month have you been dumped nope
In the past month have you gone skinny dipping does the bathtub count?
In the past month have you stole anything a hair elastic
Ever been drunk like a pro
Ever been called a tease Yes
Ever been beaten up no
Ever been kicked in the nuts or punched in the boob yes... I had a roomie that felt the need to occationally slap my boobs... alcohol was usually involved
Ever shoplifted nope
How do you want to die peacefully
What do you want to be when you grow up wiser and a lottery winner
What country would you most like to visit Scotland, Australia, India
Who would you take with you my family (including Coco and Sandra)
Number of drugs you've taken 1 (goodie two shoes... I told you)
Number of cd's you own no clue
Number of piercings you have 5... one has been retired due to work
Number of tattoos you have 0... still finalising the design
Number of things you regret in your past a few
In the opposite sex: favorite hair color no preference
In the opposite sex: favorite eye color no preference
In the opposite sex: favorite facial feature mouth, teeth (smile), jawline, eyes...
In the opposite sex: favorite body feature shoulders & back... I like tall boys (6 feet please!), but everyone in taller than me lol
In the opposite sex: anything else that is REQUIRED smarts, sense of humour
last question, have you ever "shot a mother right in front of her son" I'm a freeking vegetarian... what do you think?

My Interests

music, photography, books, vegetarian/vegan yumminess

I'd like to meet:

I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!


Been listening to City and Colour, the new Alexisonfire, Metric, Death from Above, Block Party No polka, no country and very little hip hop/r&B and pop... everything else is fair game. CD player has recently seen a lot of action from the previously mentionned as well as mixed CDs with Bright eyes, thrice, atreyu, old school tool, dispatch, Manu Chao, sublime, alain caron (awesome bassist, all instrumental), St. Germain, Joe Strummer and some old school punk (bring me back to my DJ days, "three chord anthems" was a kick ass show if I do say so myself... miss my co-DJ B-Funk)...


Ghost Dog, Sin City, Heaven, Princess Bride and Empire records for sentimental value, the kevin smith movies... minus the one about the Nj girl... never saw that one, Donnie Darko, Amelie, City of Gods...


I only get 2 english channels, my options are limited...


About to start "a Riot of our Own"... Loved Life of Pi, Complete works of Edgar Allan Poe, The peculiar memoirs of Thomas Penman, Good night moon, the runaway rabbit and Red is best cause they are freeking classics and portrait of a burger as a young calf


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Cookies -N- Cream Cutie - Hardcore. A cutie for those who work hard and play hard.
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My Blog

Best Veg*n cookies EVER!!!

Regardless if you're vegan, veggie (like me) or the still belonging to the evil meat eaters... this is a kick ASS recipee... SO easy and SOOO tasty! thanks to the good fellows at I...
Posted by Christine on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 08:43:00 PST