About Me
Things that please me:
80's music, drinking before noon, boardgames, college football, running outdoors, scratching-off lottery tickets, bottled water, white teeth, new sheets on my bed, sushi, good jokes, homemade cookies fresh out of the oven, a full tank of gas, Scrabble, old-school nintendo, bubble baths, being tan, campfires, making people laugh, high fives, margaritas, girls in good shape, poetry, dancing, playing on beaches, Smiles :), drinking milkshakes, eating nachos, laughing when people fall down, karaoke, New York style pizza, traveling, shopping at Nike Town, purple, Girl Scout Cookies, GAYtorade, going to new places, girls in football jerseys, rice krispie treats, daisies, massages, girls in bandanas or pigtails, people sticking to their word, watching comedy shows, making sundaes, miniature golf, BBQ's in the Summer, true crime shows, sinking a putt, a clean house, front row parking, chicken, & actually FINISHING a crossword puzzle!
Things that I can live without:
black licorice, windy weather, waiting for people by myself in restaurants, The View, people that drive ridiculously slow in the rain, loud-obnoxious girls, dirty kitchens, bug bites when camping, coffee, mayonnaise, sharing the same straw, speeding tickets, potholes, being tired, when bicyclists ride in traffic on the street instead of the sidewalks, static, getting older, people that constantly don't answer their phones, when mapquest is wrong, those annoying subscription post-cards that constantly fall out of magazines while you try to read them, the color Red, long long lines at the post office, tailgaters, ATM fees, pop-up adds, spam emails, homeless people bothering me for my money (especially if they have a dog or cat!), Oregon, people who don't return their shopping carts from the parking lot, or when they knock something off the shelf & don't pick it up, people touching my face, when people don't leave tips; or really pathetic tips, people that can't differentiate your from you're or there, their, & they're, when people don't say, "Thank You", when girls wear high heels to football & baseball games, when people touch my computer screen, guys (& girls) that stink at the gym, people that get right in your face to talk to you, Paid Programming on TV, smoking, animals, when people bring about 30 items to a checkout lane that states; "9 items or less", goodbyes, carry-on bags that really aren't & I have to wait while they try to jam them above the seat...
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