Here is a short list of DJs, prodicers and live acts that played at our events during the first 4 yers of our work:
-Ed, 4cus, 4kuba, 6oom, Access Denied, Acidalex, Adrin, Alex Goof, Andy Dust, Anis, Arami:s, Arctica, Astralas, Bes, Buger, CH, Cherryvata, D’iskord, Deneez, Diamos Roll, Dissident, Dj 33, Dreamlin, Ectoplasm, Egor Kaway, Energun vs Logika, Erik, Excoretex, Foks, Grizer, H. H. T.P., Hottabych, I. F. U., I/dex, Implex, Induss, Intrance, Invah, iO, JDPC, Jebar, Jeune Homme, Kabuki, Karina, Keyk, Klutch, Lost (C)luster, Luna:r, Meatworks, Mon Ami Nicolas, Mr. Alliance, Murzillah, Nicolas Krot, Nitro, Nobel, Nothing, O. W. L, Over-?, Phlashback, Playfellow, Proket, Psher, Psychodelia Alpha, Purple Unit, Randomajestiq, Red Groove, Rob Dirton, Rog, Rupas, Scann-Tec, Shangri-La, Sidewalk, Sj Ema & Dimaxodrol, Skunk Levelz, Sky, Solaris, Solsonor, Stars Alliance, Stone People, STP, Styx, Subway, Sunchase, Sworm, T-Trider, Temax, Tforzki, TriCK, Un-Co, Unknown Frequencies, V.S., Vadim Key, Vertical Movement, Vjik72, Walder, Wavecut, Wesley, Zappa Mu, ??????? ???????, ????, ?????????? ?????, yMuPaTb