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Deby Deb


About Me

What is your job, Mr. Bush?
(Apparently my awesome Daily Show video was removed due to copyright infringement. *sigh* I'll have to go find another one...)
"Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either." - Gore Vidal
I am not anti-America. I am anti corporate-driven politics. I am against exploitation of other peoples for the enrichment of few, or for any reason whatsoever. I am against imperialism. I am against putting profits before the welfare of the planet and its inhabitants. I am against money-driven policies that keep the rich rich and the poor, poor. I am not anti-America, but I am anti-war. I believe violence breeds violence.
I don't hate Americans. I am against blind and extreme patriotism to any country. I am against ignorance and pride, a very dangerous combination. I am against mindless consumerism. I am against ethno-centrism.
I am not anti-America, but I am not pro-America either. I am not a Republican, and I am not a Democrat. I am neither conservative nor liberal. I am not a citizen of America, nor China, Europe nor Africa. I am a citizen of the world. I believe all countries are interdependent, and the choices one individual makes affects individuals thousands of miles away, and the way one society lives affects societies across the globe. I believe that not only Americans are entitled to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness, but that every society on Earth is.
I live in America because I believe change comes from within.
What gains a man if he wins the whole world, yet loses his soul?
Is the coffee you drink Fair Trade coffee?
World Relief Fair Trade Coffe Project
How clean is the electricity I use?
Click to View Film Indroduction for Buyer be Fair
Slate Green Challenge: go on a CO2 diet
The first step to getting over addiction is admitting you have a problem.
Who killed the electric car ?
I irrigated a farmer's land for 2 months.
An interesting report on diamonds, this part talks about conflict/blood diamonds.
"Fascism should rather be called corporatism, as it is the merging of government and corporate power." --Benito Mussolini

My Interests

God, the world, languages, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, theology, history, politics, justice, truthful media, dance, martial arts, music, ninjas, and black holes

I'd like to meet:

Jon Stewart, C.S. Lewis, a UN Peacekeeper, and Bill Gates


Flamenco, Gypsy, Tango, Irish, Arabic, Latin, Classical, and of course some Rock for good measure....


Dangerous Beauty.
Based on true events; literary; historical; ones that inspire or make you think.
Hotel Rwanda, Lord of War, Gandhi, Life is Beautiful, Les Misérables, Blood Diamond, Much Ado About Nothing, Amadeus, etc. The Three Musketeers is a classic for me (not to mention Indiana Jones, of course).


I miss the X-Files. Other than that, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and the Simpsons (but really, who doesn't like the Simpsons). And I love PBS. And History International.


Ecclesiastes; Proverbs; God of Intimacy and Action; Blue like Jazz (nonreligious thoughts on Christian spirituality) ; anything by Noam Chomsky and C.S. Lewis


Indiana Jones. Zorro. The Three Musketeers. Fox Mulder. And then real people like Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Sérgio Vieira de Mello , and the likes.

My Blog

Judge inspired by "Green Eggs and Ham"

Dipped into Dr. Seuss' classic children's book after getting egg from inmate A federal judge was driven to rhyme after receiving a hard-boiled egg in the mail from a prison inmate protesting his ...
Posted by Deby Deb on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 10:57:00 PST

Bush called MoveOn disgusting

From a e-mail:Yesterday, an amazing thing happened. After the Senate's shameful vote, and after President Bush called MoveOn "disgusting,"1 our email started to fill up with messages like...
Posted by Deby Deb on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:26:00 PST

What is this stupid question going around..?

"Is America ready for a woman president?"What... Are you serious? Why is that even a question? What exactly is there to be 'ready' for???Hmm. A woman head of State? Unheard of, right? I mean, this sor...
Posted by Deby Deb on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 03:49:00 PST

interesting: São Paulo, an ad-free city

What makes this so fascinating is that São Paulo isn't just some hinky-dink small town, but the fourth largest metropolis in the world. My anti-greedy-capitalist-rotten-marketing bones are tingling.Sã...
Posted by Deby Deb on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 06:40:00 PST

The Oreo Federal Budget Cartoon - watch!

Posted by Deby Deb on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 04:39:00 PST

Values Shift

I recently saw an ad for what I believed was a perfume called "Covet". Reminded me of something I have been wondering for a while:Whatever happened to words and values like INTEGRITY? &? Since when ...
Posted by Deby Deb on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 11:50:00 PST


I just watched SiCKO, a new documentary on America's healthcare (or lack of care, to be more accurate).I loved it. I most definately recommend it. Go watch it.I never paid much attention to healthcar...
Posted by Deby Deb on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 06:59:00 PST

Not just for smoking...

(No, I do not smoke pot.But yes, I am in favor of legalizing the planting and harvesting of cannabis. Naturally.)Making illegal a dangerous substance created in a lab, fine, I can buy that. But making...
Posted by Deby Deb on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:42:00 PST

Dr. Kevorkian & Stephen Hawking

Just making an observation.Dr. Kevorkian was sent to trial shortly after "killing" Thomas Youk, who suffered from Lou Gherig's disease (aka ALS). I'm watching 60 minutes (personally I prefer Frontline...
Posted by Deby Deb on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 04:43:00 PST


wtf???????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Life's Short. Get a divorce.' billboard removed It was only removed for lack of a permit, mind you. And it was good for business so it seems. The...
Posted by Deby Deb on Fri, 11 May 2007 12:31:00 PST