Karen Lee profile picture

Karen Lee

I am here for Friends

About Me

Say no to dead animals - RAWR! Laughing.LOve it.I like to draw . i do enjoy being alone at times, but I also love the company of people. i forgive but never forget. I Love loving and feeling close.A good song brings happness like notting else.So dose a good hug, im a sucker for a person that gives tight hugs.I enjoy dinner dates downtown.Im almost a vegan. I come alive on the weekends.You can spot me at parties/clubs or out in scarborough on saturday nights.Sunday mornings im normal hungover at work....Living is the shit.trust. Follow Your Heart And Eventualy You`ll Get It Right
    Always Remember To ::::: Love Steal Fight Cheat Bleed Run Listen Intoxicate Live

My Interests

Listing to music,going out with friends,dancing,drawing,watching tv,egging and getting you crunked.

I'd like to meet:

humans,perferably rabbits tho ....-------------------------------------------------------- --- ?


Blink 182,boxcar racer,maroon 5,jimmy eat world,taking back sunday,finch,sean paul,new found glory,incubus,limp bizkit, korn,lost prophets,placebo,sum 41,billy talent,mxpx,theory of a dead man,the killers,queens of the stone age,coldplay,nirvana,30 seconds to mars,the all american rejects,metric,dallas green,alexisonfire and more!


idle hands,donnie darco,bubble boy,napolien dynamite,vanilla sky,team america,forest gump and the blair witch project. .. ..


Scrubs,mxc,daria,jackass,the office,little britian,americas next top modle,big brother,da ali g show ,family guy and south park.


The Constellations and The Twits.


Willy Wonka.