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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

the BEST that i ever HAD
iM -kEEn- yaN... kyLa's mY reaL naMe... 15...
sChooLs: aCc... dElegaTe aNgeL saLazaR jR. meMoriaL scHoOL... aNs... uNivErsiTy oF saLzbuRg iN ausTria...
iM beiNg mYseLf: wHy sHouLd i cHanGe?
tHe otHerS saY i loOk fuNny: wHy sHouLd i cHanGe?
tHe otHerS tHinK iM sTraNge: wHy sHouLd i cHanGe?
tHe otHerS aRe diFFereNT fRom mE: wHy sHouLd i cHanGe?
i tHinK diFFereNtLy fRom tHeM: wHy sHouLd i cHanGe?
tHe otHerS dnT liKe mE tHe waY i aM: wHy sHouLd i cHanGe?
.IM DIFFERENT. : sO teLL mE...wHy sHouLd i cHanGe?

u'LL nEveR sEE wHaT's dEEp wiThiN mY miNd. oNE caN nEvER tRuLy teLL tHe seCreTs oF aNotHeR souL.
i aM eVerYtHinG tHaT caN... anD wiLL huRT u (weLL, soRry fR tT).
i aM sO mucH moRe tHaN sOmetHinG yeT noThinG aT aLL. mY liFe iS sO LonG fOr bEinG sO sHoRT. loVe mE / haTe mE / cuRse mE.. i dnT caRe.. aLL lonG aS i dnT dO nOtHinG aGainsT u... miNd uR owN bEEswaX dEar... iM stiLL hoPinG tT u'LL diSenGage mY souL... yT sTiLL wnNa tHaNk u fR maKin' mE moRe sTroNgEr aNd faMouS aS weLL... ^_^

i vaLuE kNowLeDgE..lOGIc AnD dECeiT... i loVe To puRsuE wisDom buT aLsO tO maniPuLatE aNd DecEiVe... aT mY beSt, i aM bRiLLianT nD pRogReSSiVe... aT mY woRsT, i aM tReacHerouS nD coLd... iM fRiendLy... kiD aT heaRT... reLigiOuS (hA?!) vEry mOOdy...fUN tO bE wT... LoveS maKin' pRacTicaL joKes eVen tHougH sOmeTiMeS iTs coRny...LoveS pLayiNg wT mY cOuSiNs nD fRienDs....nEvEr ruNs ouT oF sToRieS tO teLL...noiSy yeT caN bE vEry quiET...LovEs taKing piCTuRes...joLLy...LoVes taLkinG tO sTRanGeRs...i dNT waNT tO sEE piPoL gETTin' huRT esPeciaLLy mY famiLy nD fRienDs...i reaLLy loVe reVenGe (LoL)(bEtTa waTcH uR baCk biTcH)...

I DONT WANT TO BE THE ONE WHO'S BLAMED... HYPOCRACY MAKES ME ANGRY... i aM pErfEcT iN mY iMpeRfecTioNs... i aM comForTabLe iN mY owN hoMe... i hVe sTruGgLed aNd i hVe suRviVeD... i aM riGhTeoUS iN mY dEteRminaTioN... iN tHe faCe oF tRagEdY i hVe a smiLe... 'coz A SMILE CAN HIDE IT ALL....
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::::mGa kaLanDiaN:::: hiHi

mEi bOiPrEn nA bAh aKo?!:::: uHmm... nOw... WALA... hAha...
"had" a bOifren?!:::: yEa... waNnA kNow wHo...?! aNd hOw manY...?! amF...
mY iDeaL guY:::: oNe WhO iS DesCeNT aNd haS a gOoD bReEdInG… SoMeoNe whO wiLL PErFeCt My iMpeRfEcTioNs... anD i sHaLL fiNd sOme guY perhaps, beTter oNe tHan u, wiTh a kinder liPs aNd tRue... aNd i daRe saY hE wiLL do
"wHen i fALL iN LoVe, i loVe dEepLy, pAsSIOnATeLy aNd w/O bouNdaRies. i lOve wT mY wHoLe hEarT."
"tHere aRe sOme peOpLe I wouLd taKe a buLLeT fOr, aNd soMe peOpLe i wouLd liKe tO puT a buLLeT iN!"
e2 pLa fRiendSter kHo ([email protected] nD [email protected]) aDD nioko... enkz... aMf... btw, messaGe mE first so tT i cN coNfirM iT w/o furtHer ado...

My Interests

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My Blog

it makes me cry...

When she cries......Little girl terrified. She'd leave her room if only bruises would heal. A home is no place to hide. Her heart is breaking from the pain that she feels. Every day's the same. She fi...
Posted by on Sun, 18 May 2008 06:27:00 GMT

<3 this..

ANTM.. Robin, how fucking dare you show me that 'foolish is the athiest' bible verse this morning, and ask me 'what do i think of it?' What the fuck am I supposed to think of it? And you know what I t...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:18:00 GMT

paRa mi bRauLio

Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesn't stop the pain If I see you next to never How can we say forever Wherever you go Whatever you do ...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 21:32:00 GMT

im sorry..

Faeve,i didn't mean tO hurt yOu badlydOn't think that i am fOOling arOund with yOu sO sorry fOr the time yOu've wasted On me sO sOrry fOr the things that yOu went thrOugh but i knOw that the prOblem's...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 01:00:00 GMT

jealousy =(

i thought u were my best friend. i feLt we'd be together 'tiL the end. ur not the girL i once knew. so, teLL me wer she is 'cOz she's not u. u used to be that shouLder. that shouLder i could lean on ...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 19:10:00 GMT

esTo eS paRa mi bRauLio...

u broke me once. u toyed with me twice. i believed in u but i can see better now. my mind was shattered by the grief. my disbelief. i can see u as u are.i see ur mind. this mind. that one cannot trul...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 02:52:00 GMT

LeeR... paRa mi geNTe...

pARa mi geNTe... LeeR esTe eS mi geNTe poR faVor... coMo esTas?? yO QuEreR uSTeD a pReTEriTo eSE eSToy eNAmoRaDO dE Ti.... yO eSPeRo eSA LeeR eSTe eS paRa pReTEriTo eSE tE echO TanTo dE mENos muChO.....
Posted by on Sun, 27 May 2007 04:02:00 GMT

suiCidAL tenDeNcY... ^_^

?i sEE uR prETty fAce??sMasHed aGainsT tHe miRroR??desTroY tHe diScRace? ?haPPy, coNtEnT anD jOyfuL??iS hOw i uSeD tO bE??tHen sHe bEcaMe sAd??sHe becOmes soMeThiNg liKe mE? ?...
Posted by on Sat, 05 May 2007 06:38:00 GMT

sTangerS wHen wE mEt...

hUh... i take iT tS way... aT aRound 10 iN tHe evEniNg i LefT ouR hoUse wT mY niEce tO gO tO mY auNT's biRthDay paRty... mY couSin aSKed  mE iF i waNT soMe driNks... (a rEd wiNe) aNd i ...
Posted by on Sat, 05 May 2007 02:55:00 GMT

loVe... loVe... (iTs a suRvey)

1) Single, Taken, or Flirting?..** taKen... bUt sTiLL fLirTin'.... 2) Are you happy with where you are?..** yEa...?!3) When you meet the right person, doyou fall fast?..** waN ko... dePenDS...4) Have ...
Posted by on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:30:00 GMT