BuD@K jAHat profile picture

BuD@K jAHat

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

My name is Kecil aka Kechik aka Abang Air TESCO Banting. Aku otai buat air kat Banting, mamak Nafih Banting tak bagus, Susu Lebey. aku suke makan hati hahaha.... Nak tau lebeh datang TESCO ar blh dok kenal2.. kawan-kawan aku ramai ade kat TESCO!!!!nak wat team dikirbaratpon blh...ape2pon yg penting kecik suke cr kwn..on lwn2!!Get your layout at Profile Ave

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

kecil nak jumpe balik kwn2 yg tah mane die org menyorok...sampai sekARaaaang Tak JUMpe..

My Blog


Napelah dlm spacepun cube dipisahkan...hahahaha.....umpame dlm kehidupan.tapi aku sendiri dpt rase hari-hari tu makin menghampiri.cume aku dgn iklas ati ingin ucap trimas sebab banyak ajar aku segale-...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 00:45:00 GMT

episod ke episod

♣hai saje aje aku nak main tulis tulis bosan lah..♣.tapi aku nak tulis semue yg aku tak boleh nak cite kat sape2 pun.aku happy skrg..tapi happy yg buat aku sakit..patut ke aku kene korban ...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 21:12:00 GMT

the world today [ida nazrin]

"i'm looking" looking out my window "i'm thinking" think about all of his creation but the world has change so much in no time people start to be so obsessed with their own life there is no...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Jul 2004 17:22:00 GMT

nuguns[ system of a down ]

And the little boy stared, Into the eyes of the night, Button collects price of his time, Lil girl glared, Sheets of denial, The Bullet connects to the price of her crime. What have we said, ...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Jul 2004 04:48:00 GMT

my sacrifice [creed]

Hello my friend, we meet again It's been awhile, where should we begin? Feels like forever Within my heart are memories Of perfect love that you gave to me Oh, I remember When you are with me...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Jul 2004 04:40:00 GMT