Misanthropic Dude profile picture

Misanthropic Dude


About Me

My wife does not like my profile. She says that it’s not right to promote such a negative view of humanity. Therefore, I wish to add this little preface. I am of the view that I am not promoting a view. I would like it if was different. Further, it is not my intent to influence anyone negatively. However, I have a strong belief about humanity. We are asinine. Nonetheless, I believe that it is possible to be misanthropic and still be happy. I am happy. Thus if you just plain hate everything or everyone or specific groups of persons and wish to hurt others or yourself, this is not the place for you. The latter kind of hate is not misanthropism. You have other issues so please move on.Ok this is where my profile used to start before my wife set me straight.Being a misanthrope means being cynical, believing the worst of human nature and motives. It is a sneering disbelief in the selflessness of others. Some also define it as encompassing hatred or a dislike of the features shared by all humanity throughout place and time, including oneself. It is not the dislike of any single person or group of persons but rather a dislike for the human race.There are different reasons why people are or become misanthropic. For example, it can be as simple as having a belief that left to its own devises the human race will invariably choose wrong over right. However, misanthropism is not about wanting to inflict harm on others or on oneself. It is just a belief that humanity in general is senseless; that humanity has a grim future; that people in general are evil and that one thus should stay away from them. Those who would use it to promote harm or hate have a problem but it is not misanthropsim.

My Interests

Unfortunately having my misanthropic views confirmed over and over again.


Ya music is cool and it helps to ease the pain of knowing that we are all hell bent and bound.


Ironically, I like movies that make me feel warm and fuzzy but untimely I always come to the conclusion that good stuff like that only happen in movies. Julia Roberts Pretty Women my ass. Go tell it to the people who risk their lives on the streets satisfying the nastiest needs of others at risk of health, life and limb. There is no knight in shinning armor for these people just an off chance that they will not be assaulted or killed on the job for a given day.


Anyone who manages to make it to the next day. Life is still something to enjoy as much as you can.