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I trust all joy.

About Me

I am terribly interesting. I swear. (Was that convincing?)

My Interests

Theatre. Art. Music. Film. My dog. Fruit, mainly banannas. And unachievable honesty.

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If you don't like The Kinks, then I don't like you.


I Heart Huckabees, Kung Fu Hustle, Leap of Faith, The Never Ending Story, Agony and the Ecstasy, Secret of Nymh, Labrynth, Secretary, Umm, ALL THE MUPPET MOVIES. And, I know there's more. There's always more. Pumping Iron is awesome. Most of these aren't very serious movies, true. But they're genius is indisputable.


Fraggle Rock. God yes Fraggle Rock.


First and foremost, anything by Shel Silverstein, Dorothy Parker or Dr. Seuss. Right now I'm working on Hesiods "The Histories" and all the other books that I never read in college. Some favorites, The Fervent Years, Letters to a Young Poet, The Alchemist, A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius, Everything is Illuminated, all the Idiot's Guides. Some plays, Seascapes with Sharks and Dancer, TheThree Sisters, Free Will and Wanton Lust, Cyrano de Bergerac, Suburbia, Recent Tragic Events, Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare, and Shakespeare.


Mom and Buddha

My Blog

...and miles to go before I sleep...

There is great risk involved working with children.If it's a good day, it's a GREAT day. I leave feeling elevated. Nay, none of this "feeling elevated." I actually fly home. Great wings grow out of my...
Posted by kiki on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 12:54:00 PST


Inhale. So I decided a few weeks ago that I would be the coolest person in the world if I could do a handstand. I don't know. It just made sense. My friend Justin had taught me some crazy-Russian-bala...
Posted by kiki on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 02:20:00 PST

The best birthday of the ever.

Just wanted to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. It really was the best one yet. I kind of planned for this one to fall off the radar, and yet it was lovely... a whole week of lovely. I'm quite ...
Posted by kiki on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 01:00:00 PST

Out of Dodge

Thailand. Grad School. Thailand. Grad School. New York? Blue Lake. Forest. Retreat. Money? FUCK. Money. No Money. Sacrifice. Poor for a year. No money. Solution. Temp Substitute Yokohama Event Plannin...
Posted by kiki on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 09:49:00 PST


Tonight, I have made an ass of myself. But many have done so before me. I should be proud to be a part of such a lineage of awkward and hopeful people. We're the kind of people you root for in comedie...
Posted by kiki on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 03:28:00 PST

no seguays. none. did i spell seguay right?

I'm supposed to be asleep. I really should be sleeping. But I am so incredibly happy to be awake. I wish I had the energy to do something. Like learn how to break dance. Yeah. That 's exactly what I w...
Posted by kiki on Sat, 13 May 2006 02:47:00 PST