Theatre. Art. Music. Film. My dog. Fruit, mainly banannas. And unachievable honesty.
If you don't like The Kinks, then I don't like you.
I Heart Huckabees, Kung Fu Hustle, Leap of Faith, The Never Ending Story, Agony and the Ecstasy, Secret of Nymh, Labrynth, Secretary, Umm, ALL THE MUPPET MOVIES. And, I know there's more. There's always more. Pumping Iron is awesome. Most of these aren't very serious movies, true. But they're genius is indisputable.
Fraggle Rock. God yes Fraggle Rock.
First and foremost, anything by Shel Silverstein, Dorothy Parker or Dr. Seuss. Right now I'm working on Hesiods "The Histories" and all the other books that I never read in college. Some favorites, The Fervent Years, Letters to a Young Poet, The Alchemist, A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius, Everything is Illuminated, all the Idiot's Guides. Some plays, Seascapes with Sharks and Dancer, TheThree Sisters, Free Will and Wanton Lust, Cyrano de Bergerac, Suburbia, Recent Tragic Events, Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare, and Shakespeare.
Mom and Buddha