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About Me

I used to be really good at jump rope... I won a gold medal in all of my second grade class for the best trick. If you ever feel like jump roping, I will watch because I am retired. I also use Suave lotion (Vitamin E Moisturizer), but never feel like I apply enough of it. I think it would be cool to be a professional darts player, just so when I get bulls eye's I could go crazy, do dances, and point at my opponent.. and I'm not sure if they get mad groupies, but they should..... with that being said: Love playing music and listening to it. I play a little guitar and love to sit around making some tunes with the boys when we're all bored - lately I enjoy making home videos too. Sports are awesome, any and every, but im not very good at soccer or basketball (most other sports I can give a little competition). Enjoy hitting the weights- well not "hitting them" cuz that would hurt. I have a great family, I have great friends. Shout out to them, you know who you all are.

My Interests

I love sports.. any kind. Love to snowboard/ski, lift, keep active in that respect. Hangin with the friends. girls - intelligent ones... Playing music, listening to music, playing guitar or messin around with any instrument and attempting to play it. Chocolate, cookies and milk.. Chocolate mizilk! throwing sweedish fish in the air and trying to catch them with my mouth

I'd like to meet:

I WILL meet Rachel McAdams and we will marry.


I like music.... its pretty cool...


Wedding Crashers, Happy Gilmore, You Me and Dupree, Comedy and Horror movies in general (Scream mask terrifies me, don't try me there) -Try to scare me otherwise


ESPN, MTV, COMEDY CENTRAL - Also like to watch things that open up my mind like the discovery channel and history channel. Whatever's stimulating


De Vinci Code, Drivin From Within- M J, The Things They Carried


PK- Looking down on me smilin', My mom, dad, marc, sis, my fam.. my closest friends.. I look up to all of them