passinglife profile picture


passing life - art and illustrations by chris rafferty

About Me

Untitled 1


i am a student filmmaker and illustrator based in glasgow, scotland.

in terms of film i started off being influenced heavily by david lynch , as many students are, but i am getting away from that side of things and focusing more on children's films and fairy tales, usually with a dark edge to them - as all fairy tales should have.

in my drawing and painting i am focusing on similar themes, i have just completed a kids picture book that i am hoping will get published, though it might not really fit any kind of marketable audience. my style is influenced by japanese artists and manga, as well as more traditional japanese styled art, and modern traditional artists like yoshitaka amano . i also like the superflat stuff from people like takashi murakami . im also starting to see us comic art's influence, namely the work of ashley wood . i also like the work of edward gorey , some of my stuff looked a lot like his before i'd even heard of him. i also like pinup art from the 30s and 40s by the likes of george petty , as well as art nouveau artists like mucha .

if you want to read my book, you can view it here: passinglife

you can also have a look at my films, art, books, photos etc at

or contact me at: [email protected]

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