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J Glover

About Me

It started early on... My father blasting Bob Seger, drumming on the steering wheel of a brown Econoline. Then Michael Jackson's "Thriller" album, which I thought could never be topped. That is until I heard Purple Rain.From then on, I knew I wanted to be a musician. That album is still my all time favorite. It encompassed everything I love about music; great songs with no thought of labels, just expression. Grew up with the radio steady playing 103 KHTR in St. Louis. The first album (or cassette) I ever received as a gift was Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA" from my momma, along with a one speaker tape player, that would eventually destroy every tape I ever owned. The first tape I ever bought was "1984" by Van Halen, which also was eaten. But it lasted long to inspire me to pick up a guitar. Never kept with one "genre" of music; my tape player did not discriminate to mangle such classics as "It Takes a Nation of Millions.." by Public Enemy, "Appetite for Destruction", "Are You Experienced", "Time's Up" by Living Colour and the Pump Up The Volume soundtrack, to name a few. Around '92 I upgraded to CD's and started a collection that appeared schizophrenic. Picked up my first guitar around the same time and learned that, no matter how many times I played the intro to "One", I would never become the fifth member of Metallica. So I decided to stay true to myself and learn and play what I loved. I'm influenced more by artists, not genre's. I still admire the same musicians I did when I was younger. What you hear is me TRYING to express myself as purely as they did. So, thanks for stopping by and listening. Any and all feedback is appreciated. There is much more to come; I am just getting started..

My Interests


Member Since: 4/10/2007
Band Members: Josh Glover
Sounds Like: Sounds just like it smells... Delicious.
Record Label: Ohh Yeaah Records

My Blog

Gimme Ugly

Just finished watching American Idol. Yeah, I know, but I have a wife, so there. So, I get to sit there and listen to Randy Jackson say the same tired ass catch phrases over and over and tell David Co...
Posted by on Tue, 13 May 2008 20:52:00 GMT

How cool is this??

Check out this video: Andy Mckee - Africa (Toto Cover) ..Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Sun, 11 May 2008 20:10:00 GMT