*Sarah McClara* profile picture

*Sarah McClara*

*Hallooooooooo, oh look a dog*

About Me

Hello! so this is a little about me: my name is sarah also know as Sarah McClara or Clarey, amongst other things :) I am studying geography (yes i no dull but i love it )at Plymouth uni. Totaly love it there it rocks! I have made some awesome m8s down there who i love to bits (Bri, Vicky, Rebekah, Andy, Andy, Jack, Siobhan and Nuru just to name a few u all know who u are)I dunno where i wud b with out some of u guys, my flatties look after me (Andy Shve Jackish and Nuru) and i love them all to bits and i miss them wen im at home :( Uni is just awesome (like totaly freak me out i mean rite on) loving the social side, which is kwl cus the study side is kinda non existant atm :) But when im not living down in good old Plym im back home in good old Alderholt, ok so yea it sux but at least all my budddies are around here (shell, jade, George etc.) i think they shud all come and live in Plym with me and live up the student lifestyle! i hope they are all ok with horrible hangovas and being sooo poor the only drink u can afford is cider or Lambrini!! dear me! Any ways that is enuf from me, im sure if you are reading this you are pretty bored anyway so lets not make it worse! :) if u wanna no anything else then just ask :) xxxxxx
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My Interests

well its all gotta revolve around shopping, as illustrated by my huge student det i really need to spend less money on new clothes and evil fairy costumes :)dam people opening a nice new big shopping center right on my door step. Altho i cannot blame all my studnet det on the shopping, there is also the social side of me, my other main interest, chillling with my m8s and going out hence the huge det due to alcohol consumption :s but hey ur only young once, rite?
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I'd like to meet:

Well now let me think......Santa, the Easter bunny and the Tooth Fairy have gotta be up there at the top :) hehe no im not crazy just insane :) also wanna meet sum propa ppl 2!!! let me see....seth green (yummyness) errrrrrrr anyone hu is insane like me...ooo i wanna meet everyone wud be well exciting!!! Jaelle this is soo 4 u!
Who is your Pirates of the Caribbean Lover? by SoExcited612
Lover The melodramatic Will
Where it will go down In the back of a Tortuga bar

Quiz created with MemeGen !


I like alot of music, genrally quite easily pleased (altho most of andy's music sux :P ), although u cud say i vere towards the emo end of the scale, i love green day, all american rejects, angles and airwaves, fallout boy, yellow card, plain white t's.....loads more........neva ending list :)


ok well u cannot ever beat she's the man! oh the memories of the nose bleed thing!! haha jade they stole ur idea lol fun night hehe.........errr also loving the italian job, mmm seth green yummy lol i like my girlie films, romance rocks :) i h8 anything scary or jumpy so thanx all the dudes at uni hu made me watch house of 1000 corpses (havent made it through whole film yet), Devils rejects, The wilderness and other scary crap u gave me nighhtmares :( (oh and gotta be said......yea im one of those uber kwl disney freaks, i love it.....memories of childhood yayness a good disney film always puts a smile on ya face)


hmmm well being at uni im too poor to afford a tv licence so no tv 4 me, but wen im home i cram as much corrie eastenders, holly oaks, neighbours and any other crap which is on telly, into the time as possiblesrc="http://www.webgavel.com/topleft/topleftgif.gif"


hmmm i dont really read (shocking as im 'reading' 4 a degree in geography) i think the last book i read was something to do with introducing physical geography whoop get me :)


well let me think.......tinkerbell is awesome she is all sassy and fairy like she rocks!! hu else...i just dunno really anyone hu has made their own way in life i cannot stand those hu just do nothing and get everything they want

My Blog


omg so here is the deal................i came home from uni on friday and life already totaly sux! i spent like 3 days soildly at waitrose and have spent the last 4 i repeat 4!!! nights at home being ...
Posted by *Sarah McClara* on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 12:58:00 PST