Fast stuff, Cars, Trucks, Planes, Driving (on and off road), Flying, Sports (pretty much all of them but FISHING, paintball and disc golf come to mind), I've been called a gun nut, Breakin stuff... mostly cars/trucks Wheres the mud holes around here?, Fixin stuff... more of the later, Outdoors, Whiskey and anything that involves goodtimes.
A girl that loves me as much as I love her. John Wayne, Gandi, Jack Daniels, Johnny Wallker, Ron White, Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, that chick from the movie Crank, and Mr. William Winchester.
Most all kinds. Country and Classic rock especially! Sublime, LBDA, Weezer, 311, Deftones, and Oasis deserve honorable mention and does anybody still listen to Rage Against the Machine?
The Family Guy The Stewie movie, South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut, Team America World Police, Escape from Newyork, Topgun, John Wayne Flicks (havnt seen a bad one yet... and I've seen almost all of them), Clint Eastwood movies (most of them are good), Die Hard and any movies involving fast cars, big trucks and badass airplanes.
Family Guy, Futurama and other good stuff. Also a big fan of Discovery channel, History channel(Dog Fight!), Animal Planet and other edu. programs. If i had to pic a reality show it would be Liberty City Survivor... to bad it only exsist in the world of Grand Theft Auto.
The kind that tell me how to fix my car/truck or build somthin cool. I also like the ones that help me beat my video games. All time favorite is 20,000 Leauges Under the Sea.
My Father who died in the service and all of those real people who fight and die to make this world a better place. Also John Wayne, William Winchester, Jack Daniels, Snake Pliskin, Bruce Willis and Tom Hanks