Prace dj'a rozpoczal na poczatku lat '90 w rzeszowskich klubach studenckich,
a nastepnie jako rezydent gral w pierwszych powstajacych w miescie klubach nocnych (Jocker i Jedynka).Wspólpracowal równiez z kilkoma klubami Podkarpacia i calej Polski z niektórymi do dzis
(Armagedon, Sing Sing, Pokusa, Arkadia, Klub Kino- Rzeszów, Lublin i Sanok, Le'madame, Piramida, Meduza, Frantic, Re-No, Level, Ibiza, Lemoniada
a w 2005 roku równiez z BOLS BEACH BAR).Od 1998-2006 roku Clermont byl rezydentem rzeszowskiego klubu AKADEMIA, w którym mial okazje grac u boku gwiazd polskiej i europejskiej sceny klubowej
(Westbam, Sonic, B Benassi, United Nations, Joy Kitikonti, Angelo Mike, Carla Roca, Greg Acces, Adamus, Mafia Mike, Karol XVII, i wielu, wielu innych)Jako jeden z pierwszych na Podkarpaciu regularnie propagowal muzyke house na imprezach klubowych (do dzis sie to nie zmienilo).
Jego styl to vocal / funky / latino house, czasami urozmaicony odrobina klimatów electro / tribal i tech house.Jako Dj Clermont F gra na imprezach trance,techno i progressive.Imprezy w wykonaniu Clermonta Ferranda to energetyczna dawka doskonalej muzyki w mistrzowskim wykonaniu....Clermont Ferrand set's
.............. .......... mail [email protected] ............................................................
....ABOUT ME :.....................................Clermont Ferrand started working as a DJ at the beginning of 1990’s in student clubs around
Rzeszow, and then he began playing as a resident DJ in the first night clubs in Rzeszow, such as Joker, Number One etc. He has also cooperated with several clubs situated in the Polish province of Podkarpacie e.g.( Armageddon, Sing Sing, Pokusa, Arkadia, Klub Kino- Rzeszów, Lublin and Sanok, Le Madame, Piramida, Meduza, Frantic, Re-No, Level, Ibiza, Lemoniada, and in 2005 with Bols Beach Bar ). From 1998 to 2006, Clermont worked as a resident DJ in Akademia – a famous nightclub of Rzeszow where he stood the chance to perform together with the biggest stars of the club scene in Poland and Europe e.g., Westbam, Sonic, B Benassi, United Nations, Joy Kitikonti, Angelo Mike, Carla Roca, Greg Access, Adamus, Mafia Mike, Karol XVII & MB Valence, and many others. Clermont would promote house music during various club parties as one of the first DJ’s in his home town. His style is a combination of vocal, funky and latin house, and sometimes he adds some electro, tribal and tech-house beat to it. Performing under the name of Dj Clermont F, he often plays gigs with trance, techno and progressive music. His gigs can be described as an energetic dose of awesome music in a masterly performance. To check Clermont’s sets, visit........ .......... or contact him directly at [email protected] 52 - Cafe Del Mar (Chillout mix)