Hey, there! Jett Underfoot Trane Hopper Johnson, at your service. I'm a Miniature-Schnauzer, although nothing about my stature denotes "miniature". I kinda look like the "dog" piece in a "Monopoly" set. I'm what some might call "stout". I'm pretty laid-back, don't start trouble, y'know? I am a pretty mellow guy all-around. Occassionally, I will hear a knock at the door or something of that nature that will get me excited, but for the most part, I just like to hang out with bipeds and lay around. I enjoy couch-time quite a bit, as it is a new development in my life. I am assuming that it is because I am older now and folks know I won't poo there. (I am still going strong on my perfect record of "No Accidents in the New House!) I am very friendly and play well with others. I have a brother, Ozzie (Waddup, dawg!) and My Man is named Rusty (I call him "Dad-Dad"). He's an alright guy; takes me out regularly, keeps me fed and watered, gets me to the groomer, hangs out with me every day. He likes to talk and I like to listen, so we get along splendidly. The conversation ain't so bad and he seems to do better from it, so I am glad to help. I'm here to make friends and have converstaions. I think you will see that I am a great guy. I know My Dad-Dad tells y'all about me in the blogs and stuff, but you can come get at me for real, if you'd like. Holla at your Schnauzer!BARK PARTY by MUDKIDS from 'We Are Dynamic And People Like Us'
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