Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!I’m a simple girl. I like to be entertained. I'll drink you under the table with Bacardi Limon, and then F you up in a game of catch prase. I’m a vegetarian. I love to eat...and cook...like, fatty shit...MMM - It must be the southerner in me. I am OBSESSED with the Food Network, and am contemplating being “The Next Food Network Starâ€...although I don’t think people would be down with a show based around Mac n Cheese and PB n Js. I have the best family in the world, who ROCK the SHIT to the utmost degree! Now, back to food: I LOVE any kind of dessert that's not chocolate based (Chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, brownies…you're dead to me. Gimme some o that caramel and vanilla flavored shit). And, lastly, I'm not one to spread false rumors...but I hear that the first agent or manager that signs Katie Hall to their roster gets a lifetime supply of brownies. And by brownies, I mean head.
XOXO, Gossip Girl
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