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HCDEC Platform Principles for 2008
(Approved by HCDEC May 2008)
In order that our American government would be genuinely of the people, by the people, for the people,
We, the Hillsborough County Democratic Party, support the restoration of accountability to the people
through a careful balancing of power both among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches and also
among the various levels from individual through families, local communities, states and the federal government.
Toward that end we resolve and restate our beliefs in certain principles that, combined together, form a solidplatform for our local party.
Individuals and Families
1)… It is in our common interest and common duty as Americans to respect the rights and the worth of each individual, regardless of race, religion, age, gender or sexual orientation.
2)…The right to privacy is basic, and all Americans have the right to make personal choices in their domestic lives without government intrusion.
3)… Economic strength is based on fair treatment of every American citizen and the American entrepreneurial spirit is founded on the principle of fair play for all.
4)… America is founded on the idea of vigorous, uncensored public debate.
5)… Every citizen has the right and the duty to vote in fair elections and to have that vote counted.
6)… All employees have the right to organize and to negotiate with their employers through the workers' elected union representatives.
7)… The safety and security of our communities must not come at the expense of the freedoms that have made us the most admired country in the world.
8)… When our communities need to grow, the growth must be within the bounds of a healthy, wellplanned infrastructure – roads, utilities, and schools.
9)… The health of individuals, the health and well-being of communities, and the conditions of the environment are inseparably tied to each other and that comprehensive whole deserves priority over all else.
Government Service
10)… Honor and integrity are requisites of public service, and those who serve, whether as military or civil servants, deserve to be appropriately respected and rewarded.
11)… A strong public education system is an essential element of democracy.
12) … The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires Separation between Church and State.
Approved, HCDEC Meeting of May, 2008
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 17986
Tampa, FL 33682-7986
Street Address:
4221 North Himes Ave, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33607
(diagonally across from Raymond James Stadium)
Tel.: 813.876.1945 Fax: 813.872.8161
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