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Braveheart, Batman Begins, Bad Santa, Bend it like Beckham, Cinderella Man, Clerks, Romero's Dead movies, Dogma, Donnie Darko, Elf, Fallen, Finding Nemo, Garden State, Ghostbusters, Gladiator, GLory, Good Will Hunting, Green Mile, Half Baked, Incredibles, Interview with a Vampire, Kill Bill, Life as a House, Lost in Translation, Matrix, Monsters Inc., Mystery Men, Notting Hill, Office Space, Old School, Predator, Pulp Fiction, Rent, Road Trip, Rounders, Rudy, Saving Private Ryan, Scent of a Woman, School of Rock, Se7en, Serenity, Shallow Hal, Shaun of the Dead, Shawshank Redemption, Shrek 1 & 2, Signs, Sin City, Spider Man 1 & 2, Star Wars, Superman, Super Troopers, Terminator trilogy, Toy Story 1 & 2, War of the Worlds, Waterboy, Wedding Singer, X-Men 1 & 2
FUTURAMA IS BACK, BABY! Battlestar Galactica, Californication, House, Scrubs
Richard Bach is my savior