Member Since: 09/04/2007
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Like a prayer
Would you mind making contact?
Would you mind making contact now? Just on a general level at first, I with you, you with me,
I talk to you, you listen to me, I have your attention, I talk to you and nobody else. You are important and I am important, something connects us, I have something to say to you, would you mind making contact now?
May I ask for your presence, your complete and entire presence, for mine as well, for ours. For complete presence on your side and on mine, here and now, right now, in this room.Your body,
your head, your heartbeat and your eyesight.Your favourite problems and your greatest fear,
that one pimple that always reappears and your first love, your first gaze out of a photograph
and all the following years, all here and now, at this moment.
I talk, you listen, truly listen, because that..s all I want of you, to be fully here, entirely in contact
with me, with yourself, with everything. Free of any fear that could disturb or confuse you, because you are just listening to someone, someone is telling you something, I am just a representative.
You could as well go to a church of any faith if there..s a half-way suitable priest around. But now you are here with me and I am with you, you are listening to me, I have something important to tell you, now is the time, would you mind making contact?
I have something important to tell you, but you won..t understand if you don..t pay attention, you will miss the essential. Concentrate, open the windows, receive with everything that you are what I have to tell you, unimaginable space unfolds.
Please do not always forget who you are, don..t let yourself get distracted by questions of no importance: Who is this, what is he telling me, do I really have to listen to this, who does he think
I am, all completely unimportant questions, that..s not who you are.
If you didn..t quite get the thing about the priest, just picture yourself at a live concert, a still relatively unknown group if you like.You enter, a bit sceptical but open, ready to get involved, the music starts, a bit negligible, but makes you tap along, by all means. Time passes and your thoughts dissolve and soar, you realize that moving with the music. One of the musicians launches into a solo, going beyond the things heard before, beyond the things he..s probably known himself. You are right with the musician now, with his attempt to break through to what is not yet possible, not yet known, now, at this moment, but may happen soon, is already happening, storming forwards once again, the space unfolding is unimaginably vast.
There is you, there is the musician, you are both at this moment what you really are, your persons, your personalities are just representatives of something rising above the horizons, amazed and joyful, knowing no boundaries nor needing them, conscious and fully present, sensitive, delicate, and yet capable of farther leaps than you and the musician will ever be, in so-called reality.
That..s what I want of you, now, here, at this moment, I still do.
Would you mind making contact?
Thank you.
translated by Cassia Pauli and Daniel Warrington, thanx!
Record Label: Unsigned