Ichigo profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

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Hey ya! I am Carlos but most of ppl call me Ichigo (so you can choos which name you wanna use)and I am from Germany

I am not very special or interesting person and please dont think I will talk to you just cause you and me like J-rock or such a thing. I dont like fangirls, who always can just talk about their favourite bands and then they just talk shit about that band! Or have dreams like "omg I wanna fuck the singer of xxxx" (if you think I talk about you just click the button right above :D)

Who I like are people who have a good taste for music and fashion! Also people who know what they want and say what they think!
I wanna get know more kind of fashion of the world!

If I added you or you added me and I didnt write to me, it doesnt mean I dont wanna talk to you! I am often busy so forget to write to new friends. Just write to me ^^ I dont bite lol.
I love to go shopping, waste money, travelling, listen to music, practise japanese, talking in english & japanese(but take care my japanese isnt that good as you think maybe :O), taking pictures
Favourite Brands:
Sex Pot Revenge
Vivienne Westwood

If you wanna read the daily shit happens to me every day you can read my blog

But at the moment it japanese only.. I think about making a blog also in english.

Anywhere please add me&comment

My Interests

Music (Rock, J-Rock), Shopping, Styling, Clothes, Vivienne Westwood, Strawberrys, Nana, Disney, Concerts, going out at evening, San Francisco Coffee Company


My Blog

Ayabie <33

I went to concert with my friends Hanna and Hayate at 11.30 pm cause went with Night train to Berlin. So we aren´t tired before the concert begin xD So I couldnt slept first cause my thought were alwa...
Posted by Ichigo on Tue, 22 May 2007 12:35:00 PST

Hi ^o^

Hallo you all ^o^I am new here and would be happy if someone write me ^^o))Looking forward to messages ^^Bye bye Ichigo...
Posted by Ichigo on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 05:27:00 PST