Welcome, LockJaw Productions/Ent. bringing you Lencho y LockJaw Soldiers! Thanks for Visiting tha soldiers page. If your here obviously, you have interest in us. So send us a friend request so we can add you as our friend. We will also keep you updated with what the Soldiers got going on.But here's Lencho so he can let you know!"Wutz da muthafukn wizzord!Itz about to go dwn or wuuuuuuut!Soy yo Lencho representando dat LockJaw Clika Com'n straight out dat VicasVille.The time has com for this mexicano to be reconized,to show this fuk'd up world wut it has com'n to them out them wicked streets of Silver City Barrio- Bradley Rd repersentador 110%! This flames' been burn'n for a minute now and Senior Dios is the only one that came stop me so fuk anyone who tries.This mixtape shit got me eat'n up these beats with some real life shit like it was just another spliff in the air.My homies are just as deep, grow'n up in Vicas will make a man out of you real quck, but don't get it twisted there's still them punkass putos out there try'n to act tuff.This talent is a gift. Lord knows I want out and this is the ticket, this music."So keep a look out for Lencho and LockJaw soldiers.FRONTLINE FORMATION and NOW & 4EVER Mixtapes IN MY CITY Lencho-Kwotes all original beats & lyrics are all available for purchase. And ALSO SERVING JUSTICE with more original beats by Kwotes. SPRING 2008 they will be out on the road for the TEXAS STOMP TOUR. So keep a listen out to see what towns they will be stomping in.Thanks for supporting Lencho and LockJaw Soldiers.