I love lots of things,my husband the most, our dog and kitty, being on the computer, my website where I support the troops and Veterans, Thank you for all you have done for us if you are a Veteran or serving today.
I love working out at the gym, riding my bicycle, collecting teddybears, reading and being with friends online at the various PSP groups. I have played the piano sine I was 4, I know that is a long time. haha I lvoe to play but the last few years I prefer to only play for relaxation, at our home, just for my husband and our little dog and kitty.
My career has been as a model, actress, and entertainer. Years ago, I was privileged to go with to go with Bob Hope to entertain the troops in Vietnam. We went there 68', 69', 70' and 71', the memories I have will be in my heart and soul forever.
It has been very exciting and the best part has been that I got to me so many wonderful and talented people along the way. I am reitred now, but the friends I made in my career will live in my heart always.
This is a photo of me on moy 50th birthday. Always rememebr age is only a number and I don't feel anywhere near my age. Not yet anyway, keeping my fingers crossed. hahaha
This is a photo of Hugh Hefner and myself Hef and I at the Playboy Mansion. He has been such a great friend and he is truly a fantastic person.
As a model I started work in Dallas, Texas and then moved to Los Angeles, Calif. I signed with Playboy Modeling Agency.
Hef and I at one of the parties he gives at the Playboy Mansion.
Because I have traveled so much in my life, and have met so many people in all walks of life. My past career brought me in contact with so many people that perhaps other professions would not had that tremendous opportunity to do so. I met Heads of State, the Queen of England (when we were filming in Quebec), politicians, actors that are well known, musicians and athletes etc.
I am married to my hero, he is awesome and our love and marriage must be why the saying soul mates came to be. He is my life, the blood in my veins and the air in my lungs.
His name is Nick and he worked as a stuntman in movies and TV for 44 years.
We have an adorable Cockapoo and a kitty. Our dogs name is Sebastian and our kitty's name is Missy. They play and sleep together and love each other very much.
This is a photo from one of the many films my husband worked on. This was called " Kid Galahad".
Charlie Bronson......James
Coburn and Nick ( my husband)
Name of movie : Hardtimes
For his career in
showbiz, Nick used his first and
middle name. He is a Greek and believe me, his
last name would have been too hard for
people to spell. hahaha
If you would
like to see a list of the work my
husband has done. Please
just click on the
photo above and you will be
taken to a
place online that lists his career as a
Stuntman and actor. You
can scroll
down the list and see if you recognize
anything you have seen.
Thank you so much for stopping by, have a wonderful day.