Born almost by chance in 2006 while two friends were jamming, "Numeilika" project came other.It consisted
to use electronic drums, loud guitars and a spoken voice as one of those freaking monotonous metro's voice announcement
to make metal-like music.The impossibility since the beginning to do live performance due to
these conditions and also by lack of time leads naturally the project to be only musical.Their names, of course
fictitious as well as their artists "corpses" stick also well with the aversion M.(Maiko/2HM) and C.(Camilya/Stealth Murderer)
got against the star system and the stupid cult of the beauty and ugly in the first place.
The "fun" container of ideas fulfils
with anger over the compositions and ideas. The name change very quickly to become "Spit Of Hate", which sticks
a lot better since that container was full of anger 'n' rage 'n' hate, from the past of M. & C. as well as their
relatives and this amazing weird world behaviours. M.Hua (guitar),join the project for the eponymous album "Spit Of Hate"
released in 2007 described as "avant-garde metal, industrial, experimental death".
Once finished this, J.(Josh/Chopsticks) joined thanks to a mutual friend of C. Then the brother J.(Jerry
/Wise Monk) came up for the digital EP "In Corpse Sill Hate Remain", available for free, more "trash" and "classical"
No way they'll do 2 times the same stuff!That was perfectly said since that "funny beginning".True, this amusement try to turn
to be more serious, just to became more like a illusion, a dream, but finally it wish to go back to it native root: doing music with fun and passion.That's All.
So you can see here an artistic project without much desire than doing music with passion and pleasure.
"Behind the flesh of an artist you love, you'll may find an asshole.Just keep the art as the essential communication between
the vibrations and your perceptions.If it sounds good to you, makes you feel great,talks to you,that you can find an interpretation
of lyrics that sticks and pleased you...great! But it never means that you'll hang out well with the person(s) that create that.Same for painting,
sculpture, cooking and any art...No need to know how she or he is, likes dislikes, she or he is cute, handsome,got huge breast or
not,fake or real, like to drink especially that drink so i should do the same....that AIN'T art, AIN'T vibrations/perceptions,
that's JU$T marketing..."
"We won't make any live show.We wish that people only know our other side, never our real
one.People can imagine,suspect everything about us, and that's great!.We all agree about
put our ego into our pocket when it's Spit Of Hate deals.We are normal people and abnormal
artists, we love music and making music.If people cannot understand our choices, we don't give a fuck."
*****AC* TH** ***L* (???. 2009)
In Corpse Still Hate Remain (Aug. 2008)
Price 0.00 US$ FREE
(Read the blog for more)
Reviewed by Tortured Soul Asylum Webzine "(...)If you are a fan of that shatters music boundaries without mercy then you have to check this band out!(...)"
Reviewed by Taipei Metal "(...)Without a doubt, the band has achieved a whole new level of brutality and sickness.(...)"
Spit Of Hate (Oct. 2007)
Price 8.50 US$
(Read the blog for more)
"Spit Of Hate is a beast of another nature all together." (LOTU Deadbooga)
(7.5/10) "Sick music, you should have a brass neck to listen to it.There're only 2 ways to handle with this music: you'll love it or you'll hate it.Deceived about the drum machine , waiting to see the drummer's job.A surpassing cutup.Everybody with an approximately general taste of music will hate it."
(Review in German by Thomas Schönbeck ( Bloodchamber ) / Translated by Targets and approved by Thomas Schönbeck)
Review at (in Romanian)