PAT KAY & VerOnik profile picture

PAT KAY & VerOnik

About Me

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Pat Kay offers the Portuguese language its flexibility and richness. He takes us in a world easily and intensely switching back and forth between French and Portuguese, between the two languages, the two cultures. Pat Kay's voice paves the way to a kaleidoscopic vision of a world that is familiar to everyone. The influence of the Pink Floyd and Serge Gainsbourg meets with an atmosphere that reminds one of Nick Cave, Tom Waits, the Tindersticks or Bashung. The lyrics are set in a minimalistic musical shrine allowing us to fully grasp their essential meaning. On stage, the constant flow grows almost hypnotic, sometimes collides with the musicians interentions or Valérie's voice. Thus, Pat Kay and the Gajos keep their balance on a tight-rope. Funambulists. Equilibrists. Montmartre on a wet winter night.(FR) PAT KAY BIO _____ Travaillant autour de trois langues et d'autant de cultures, Pat Kay a commencé par nous présenter le collectif Pat Kay & The Gajos, avec lequel il avait présenté l’album Montmartre (A »A/MusicActiva, 2005). Un ouvrage bourré de couleurs et d'émotions, partant du gris attachant d'un ciel hivernal parisien. PKG ont foulé des scènes françaises et étrangères avec ledit album.Depuis, le trio composé par Pat Kay et VeroNick a fait du chemin ! Il nous apparaît dans sa pleine maîtrise : aucun effet d'éloquence excessive, aucune obscurité, rien que la vérité – même si les métaphores sont toujours de mise. Mélange fluide des langues, des instruments, leurs concerts sont d’une intensité rare, ne laissant personne indifférent. Et l’album tant attendu est finalement en préparation…PAT KAY live @ the Tarola Rock festival, Paris
Ph neutro
envoyé par patkay ==Pat Kay : figura carismática que nos guia para o seu universo intenso, com ziguezagues fluidos e fulgurantes nas línguas e culturas onde se move. Àvido de encontros e porque Paris é uma cidade propícia aos intercâmbios, cruza-se com inúmeros artistas representantes de várias formas de arte. Na cidade-luz irá desenvolver o seu gosto pela escrita, pela escolha da palavra certa, do som que evoque visceralmente sensações fortes. As influências cruzam-se ao sabor dos ventos, dos encontros, das amizades. Adolfo Luxúria Canibal (Mão Morta, Mécanosphère…), Franz Treichler (The Young Gods), Marco de Oliveira e Rodolphe Burger (Kat Onoma), … Pat Kay apresenta-se ultimamente ao vivo sem a banda habitual – The Gajos - , mas com JAP e Chico Vinagre. Um trio coeso, num espectáculo vigoroso, alternando rock, cabaret, chanson française, com laivos de fado/blues… os textos profundos são revestidos habilmente por instrumentações eficazes. Ha aqui uma procura ilimitada e permanente, na exploração da íntima relação som/palavra… No seu papel de cantautor/ « diseur », Pat Kay mostra todo o seu manancial de performer nos palcos que pisa.

My Interests


Member Since: 09/04/2007
Band Members: PAT KAY (Lyrics, Vocals) + JAP (drums, bass, guitar...) + Chico Vinagre (guitar)..
Influences: Tom Waits, Nick Cave, Serge Gainsbourg, Alain Bashung, Jacques Brel, Alfredo Marceneiro, Sonic Youth, Tindersticks, Mão Morta, Reumatic Toy, ChloroGirls, nature sounds, pet sounds, kitchen sounds, love sounds, hate sounds, night sounds, frightening sounds, sound effects... the sound(s) of silence! But also: Mike Patton, Encre, Thomas Belhom, NIN, Tikal Jaguar, SpoknAlma, erotic poetry, stylish trash containers, Arthur H, & so & so…
Sounds Like:
Record Label: A"Art
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Ya du nouveau !

Salut,   Après une trêve estivale, un mot pour vous rassurer : l'album de PK verra bientôt le jour !   Le titre est trouvé, et on y met la touche finale& vous, les amis spaciens, serez...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 02:26:00 GMT

OPA - New Pictures !!!

Hi!    There's a new album with pictures taken from David Rito @ OPA, Paris (24.05.08) !!!    
Posted by on Tue, 27 May 2008 02:50:00 GMT

PAT KAY live @ OPA 23.05.2005, 21h

Attention  les amis  :   PAT KAY c'est à 21h !!!         - Samedi 24 mai -Entrée libre    21h-6h Concerts/Soirées  OPA 9, rue Biscornet 75012...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 04:48:00 GMT

PAT KAY - new stuff

A new song from PAT  KAY is online, guys ! (this one's in french : Le désir )..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Also, take a look at the latest li...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 02:16:00 GMT

PAT KAY - new stuff

A new song from PAT  KAY is online, guys ! (this one's in french : Le désir )..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Also, take a look at the latest li...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 02:16:00 GMT

Vote for PAT KAY !

 Olá !..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />       Podem ouvir 3 temas de PAT KAY, votar (se assim o entenderem) para dar o vosso contributo...
Posted by on Mon, 21 May 2007 04:33:00 GMT

Nouvelle VIDEO !!!

Une nouvelle vidéo de PAT KAY, en interview pour une émission télé bien sympa (La LusophonieParisienne), suivie d'une interview avec Wraygunn   cliqu...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 14:01:00 GMT

Cronica do concerto no Espaço Celeiros, Evora

..> ..> Pat Kay   Espaço Celeiros, Évora 31 de Março de 2007..>..>   Todos os dias se ouve falar de bandas que procuram uma imagem e um som próprio que as possa identificar e caracteri...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 15:27:00 GMT


check out the new video:  PAT KAY @ Tarola Tock Festival in Paris, march 07
Posted by on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 06:09:00 GMT

A Review about Pat Kay

..> Tuesday, March 20, 2007 Pat Kay and the Gajos (PT/FR/...) Rock with soul. Rock with character.Pat Kay and co. released two years ago Montmartre , the debut album for this Paris-based proje...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:21:00 GMT