*i am the lemon's sidekick as i am the lime*
*i cant go into a shop without buying stuff*
*so i have thousands of cds*
*and hundreds of dvds*
*i am addicted to pancakes*
*and currently have a snickers addiction*
*i need beer to function*
*i like funny tshirts and own quite a few*
*i have 5 pair of converse*
*and 3 pairs of vans*
*i want some yellow skinny jeans*
*yellow is a nice colour*
*i used to think blue was my fave but ive realised its not*
*it is a very nice colour tho*
*as is lime green*
*i play drums*
*and am learning guitar*
*i've just bought a yellow see-thru one*
*it is extremely sexy*
*i am at the uni of liverpool studying maths*
*i like to read when on public transport*
*i love britney spears*
*i enjoy my job*
*football is good to play and to watch*
*as is badminton*
*my friends are cool, especially ben*
*i sing all the time but im rubbish*
*this means i get shouted at a lot*
*freddie mercury is the greatest singer to have ever lived*
* i like to listen to music a lot*
*angels by robbie is my fave song*
*if i were a gay man i would chase elton john*
*i'm going to see him (twice) and am very excited
*ive been told i have OCD with cleaning*
*i listen to radio 1*
*i try to smile when i can*
*my friend told me i have 'more bounce per ounce'*
*laughing is the best feeling*
*southern comfort tastes nice*
*i play curling*
*i say rather random things*
*people always say they are crazy on here*
*this is to make them seem cool*
*but theyre boring people really*
*it has been proven that i actually am crazy*
*the men in white coats will come soon*
*i have very random thoughts sometimes and scare people with them*
*i like very cheesey music*
*spice girls are a top choice on the cheese*
*and backstreet boys, five, girls aloud...could go on
*i saw the spice girls
*they were awesome*
*i officially bum the pigeon detectives*
*loved the wombats for ever and a day*
*saw them before they hit the big time*
*and met them since they hit it*
*thats about it*
*if u wish to know more just ask*
*i will always reply*
my beautiful friend hayley wrote this about me:
there was a young lady called Beever,
who wouldn't let anyone near her,
until she fell for a librarian,
and got wed in an aquarium,
and turned down poor Barry the weaver.
check out my website:
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Stars dots and love