just call me Ash...i live in a world of complete make-belive...
i am very misunderstood, but im also very hard to understand...
i prefer the night over day
i love the rain and stormy weather and could stare at the sky forever...
I live for words and all their glory.
I LOVE singing, painting, building, writing, reading, piano, playing football, video games and rollerskating, old houses and museums and antique stores and vinatge. And the smell of playdough, winter, and babies, The color green, and farm animals.
I prefer to live in the stoneage thus being so easily amused.
music is my art in motion.
Laughter is my medicine for EVERYTHING.
pictures are more than a thousand words.
I live for adventure and spontaneity and discovery.
I dream A LOOOOT. and remember them ALL.
Im a lover not a fighter.
a giver not a taker.
and more of a listener than a talker.
i love goofing off with friends
and i cherish my time alone.
and as a self-proclaimed therapist, getting to know people on a more personal and in-depth level is my passion.
HOWEVER i get bored fairly quickly,
think waay too much and can be very analytical.
I like having everything planned out
just in case...
and shopping and sleep just aren't my thing.
i don't lie b/c im terrible at it.
Im kinda commitment-phobic, but just cuz i'm confrontational-phobic.
i get paranoid quite a bit, like of car crashes, and drowning and scary things in the dark.
I blame it on my OCD.
i think everyone's truly a good person- which isnn't too smart.
i put EVERYONE'S happiness before my own.
I sometimes hurt people b/c i say one thing but mean another, and everything gets lost in translation. but tis never intentional.
I like to explain alot.
I think being lied to your face is the biggest disgrace of all.
I am probably too honest and blunt for my own good.
I'm not to sharp on others emotions.
I think like a child but act like an adult.
im only shy when intimidated.
and im very open but i have a hard time with trust.
and YES...I still like nightlights.my FUTURE consists of being an architect, photo-journalist, storm chaser, kindergarten teacher and lord knows what else...
I want to have lots of land and animals and children. A rancher/farmer life with someone to share it all with. SO for now, and forever this is who i am.The END.
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||| 42%
Stability |||||||||||| 46%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 70%
Interdependence || 10%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 70%
Mystical |||||||||||||||| 63%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Religious |||||||||||||||| 63%
Hedonism |||||| 30%
Materialism |||||| 23%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 43%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 43%
Work ethic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Humanitarian |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Conflict seeking || 10%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 43%
Romantic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 70%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43%
Wealth |||||||||||| 43%
Dependency |||| 16%
Change averse |||||||||||||||| 63%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Individuality |||||||||||| 43%
Sexuality |||||||||| 36%
Peter pan complex |||||||||| 36%
Family drive |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||| %
Histrionic |||||||||| 36%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 63%
Vanity |||||| 30%
Honor |||||||||||||||| 63%
Thriftiness |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality test by similarminds.com...Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness results were high which suggests you are overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense too often of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion results were moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.
trait snapshot:
clean, organized, dislikes chaos, semi neat freak, perfectionist, traditional, realist, fits in most places, enjoys managing others, risk averse, good at saving money, prudent, respects authority, high self control, hard working, does not like to stand out, follows the rules, finisher, resilient, takes precautions, cautious, honest, unfamiliar with the dark side of life, practical, dutiful
My Personality
Neuroticism 51
Extraversion 26
Openness To Experience 64
Agreeableness 68
Conscientiousness 66
You rarely get angry and it takes a lot to make you angry, however you experience panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress. You tend to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. You often need privacy and time for yourself. You prefer familiar routines and for things to stay the same. You can tend to feel uncomfortable with change. You are tenderhearted and compassionate, feeling the pain of others vicariously and are easily moved to pity, however you will help others if they are in need. If people ask for too much of your time you feel that they are imposing on you. You are well-organized and like to live according to routines and schedules. Often you will keep lists and make plans.
..Take the Personality Tests now or view the full personality report .
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