Bonjour! Lets start off with some simple facts. Mi nombre es Darren Tyler Rayl. Born and raised, living the simple life, in Anderson, Indiana. I remember when I was a toddler, hitting my brother in the back of the head with one of those wooden back rollers. My sister stepped in and saved me from his wrath...Otherwise, I would be dead. At that point, drumming was instinctual. A few things I love: Sitting on the front porch with my good friends, a pack of burnables and a nice beer. I love using big words in the wrong context, or with ill-intent for meaning. I love ice-water on a hot day, and coffee on a cold one. With Winter here, and Spring drawing near, there will be plenty of beers and burning on my front porch. The list goes on, but I will spare us the effort. On the other end of the spectrum, there are really only two things that bug the crap out of me...Bees(the buzzing kind) and awkward conversations with strangers at bars...Done! Oh, and being too hot while trying to sleep. If there is anything else you must know about me, it is your privilege to inquire. Lovely day to all of you. Au Revoir!