Ken Krasner profile picture

Ken Krasner

About Me

Ken Krasner has grown from humble roots as a zygote, a fetus, a toddler and even a teenager to become a multi-cellular adult mammal capable of creating pleasing and interesting soundwaves for other mammals.Highlights include a stint as bass player and background vocalist for CHUBBY CHECKER, and tours of the US with other pop and rock bands including the power-pop-rock-soul-trio PUP, art-rock-quartet CAST OF THOUSANDS, THE STAND, BUBBA ZEUS and several others. Scoring several feature length films, documentaries, an off-Broadway show and some TV has stimulated synapses, nourished neurons and has been just plain fun.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/8/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Ken Krasner played all guitars, basses, vocals, and percussion

Margaret Lancaster played the flute on "She"
Influences: Music
Beatles, Paco Pena, Stravinsky, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Jimi Hendrix, Police, Soul Coughing, Steely Dan, Beethoven, Steve Reich, John Adams, Prince, Death Cab for Cutie, Peter Gabriel, Jobim, Edgar Meyer, The Who, Andres Segovia, Ray Charles, Santana, Led Zeppelin, They Might be Giants, Radiohead, Elliot Smith, Burt Bacharach, Stevie Wonder
Klee, Miro, Chagall, Brueghel
Monty Python, The Onion, Peter Sellers, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, Dave Chapelle, George Carlin
Lao Tzu, Kurt Vonnegut, John Updike, Philip Roth, Alan Watts, Ecclesiastes
Dr. Strangelove, Election, You Can Count on Me, Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Sweet Smell of Success, 40 year old Virgin, The Birds, The Godfather, Wet Hot American Summer, O Brother Where Art Thou and too many others to list
Record Label: tv-film pitching publishing deal

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