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About Me

You know, it's just amazing. This really shouldn't be hard, but I've been staring at this "About Me" section for about 15 minutes now and I can't think of anything to say! I guess I'll just dive in...

My name is KM. Yes, those really are my initials. I considered making up a snazzy name for use with this profile (and others) instead of just using my initials, but "World's Greatest Super Cool Chick With Amazing Ability To Spend Countless Hours Playing Around On MySpace" was just too long.

I live in Kansas City, Missouri. For those of you who are thinking that Kansas City is in Kansas, there's a Kansas City there too. Mine's bigger.

I've lived in this area my whole life. Some people think that the Midwest is a boring place to live. It really isn't. A tornado passed within about a half mile of here earlier tonight. Granted, that's nothing to get too excited about. This is tornado alley. If it'd actually gotten into the yard, then that might have been really interesting.

I watched the storm coverage on TV. It's amazing to me how many times the meteorologist says to stay inside compared with how many times people call in from cell phones while standing in their front yards and looking at tornados. Some even send in pictures.

I'm trying to get a home business going. I'm something of a computer nerd and I'm trying to use that to my advantage. I used to work for a newspaper and got in to playing around with PhotoShop for my job. I've always thought it was just too cool, all the stuff that you can do with PhotoShop. I mean, if you want to change your hair color or eye color, all you have to do is click the mouse a few times. If you want to change your bone structure, take the wrinkles out of your face or lose weight, you can do that without surgery, pain or having to give up cupcakes. It's wonderful! Anyway, I make PhotoShop templates. You know, I make a really cool digital picture frame and you just click and drag your photo into it. Done. Presto. Your already nifty picture now looks twice as good.

Since I mentioned PhotoShop, you're probably wondering if I altered the pictures I have uploaded. Obviously, I altered the backgrounds on some, colors on others and added frames to others. I did not, however, change my own appearance. I'm really just that good looking!  :)

I have one parent (mother), a few cousins whom I actually hang out with sometimes, and a few other relatives. As far as extended family goes, I have one best friend, a lot of other friends and several acquaintances. None of them are rich and / or famous although some of them do live really interesting lives. I, of course, love them all.

I've already said I'm a computer nerd. I suppose that counts as a hobby. I'm also a pitiful bowler, a mediocre cook and a pretty good card player. I collect stuffed animals, coins and nail polish. I go mall walking. I go shopping. Sometimes those last two overlap. I like to read and I watch too much TV. I hang out with friends and family and anybody else who comes along. That pretty well sums me up!

Useless Me Trivia
I've taken lessons in French, Spanish and Esperanto. I never actually learned to speak any of those languages. Maybe I can get away with blaming the public school system for my failure to learn French. The Spanish, however, I took in college and the Esperanto lessons I undertook on my own.

My parents insisted that I learn to play an instrument when I was a kid even though I'm tone deaf. I took piano and banjo lessons. They didn't stick.

When I try to curl my hair, it only curls on one side.

I have a collection of popsicle sticks. Currently I have enough to just about fill a plastic grocery bag. Anyone have any good ideas as to what I could build out of them other than a small fire?

I like to read the TV Guide and I actually do the puzzle at the back sometimes.

I once played Ms. Pacman for over an hour. I had to stop even though the game wasn't over because my hand was cramping.

I own my own pair of bowling shoes but do not own a bowling ball. My average is only about 100, so honestly, the shoes weren't even really a good investment.

I'm allergic to pine.

I didn't take down my Christmas tree until about four months after Christmas. It's a small table-top type and, of course, not a real tree.

I often eat breakfast foods for dinner.

I have way more pictures of my cat than I do myself. This could be due to the fact that the cat doesn't know how to use a camera.

I can knit, but I'm not very swift about it. The only useful thing I've ever knitted is a hair scrunchie. It took me three weeks.

I can curl my tongue.

I can recite several Schell Silverstein poems from memory. I suppose this is weird since they're children's poems and I don't have any children.

I had a pet lamb, a pet pig and a pet duck as a kid.

I had a pony too. I almost never road it, but I led it around the yard like it was a dog all the time. I think the pony liked this arrangement best too.

My Interests

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