Long profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am on the quiet side and I like having a little bit of privacy and personal space. I try to be outgoing but I end up spending a fair amount of time alone outside of work. Respect is a key element I watch for. I don't like to hang out with people who don't respect others. I have an innate interest in psychology and I often analyze my own and others intentions and emotions, but I can be wrong (only every once in a while, of course). For fun, I play pool with my friends, read books,and maybe drink some tea.

My Interests

Reading, working out, skateboarding, Green tea lattes, chatting with friends, playing pool, a little bit of solitude (but not too much), watching movies, Myspacing, people watching (such interesting creatures!), women, walking the dog, my family, Table 5 at Breaktime, Table 7,12,14,15 at Hotshots, Mexican food


Decemberists, Rolling stones,Johnny Cash, Moby, Fleetwood Mac, Tracy Chapman, REM, Coldplay, Radiohead, Ben Harper, Old Wu-Tang, Roots, Jurassic Five, Black Uhuru, Simon and Garfunkel, Lauryn Hill, Mozart, Janis Joplin, etc


I haven't watched TV in quite some time.


religion, psychology, self-help, spiritual, business, pool instructional books, and skateboard magazines


People who have a good attitudes or overcome obstacles, those who have morality, humility,

My Blog


I almost slipped on a banana peel today...good thing I caught myself. Some of my friends still visit my page from time to time, so I thought I would actually post something. I thought I would ramble o...
Posted by Long on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 02:58:00 PST

New Job

    I got a new job at St Mary's Home for Boys. The position is titled "Mental Health Residential Counselor" and basically I am there to supervise and mentor the youth there who have go...
Posted by Long on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:05:00 PST

An interesting scene at Starbucks

    I went to Starbucks to read the other night and I thought I would share this moment. The place was unusually packed with young and old all conversing together loudly yet it was also...
Posted by Long on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:02:00 PST


    I think I am hardwired as an introvert. On several occasions in my life I have tried to be outgoing and invariably I end up feeling burnt out, drained, and irritable. I feel bad&nbs...
Posted by Long on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 07:23:00 PST