Mydols Christmas
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At an unlikely gathering of friends at a Memorial Day 2002 picnic, four suburban Detroit (where else?) moms watch as their husbands smoked cigars, talked sports and chased around their hopped-up-on-sugar kids and thought, "yeah, this can't be it". Having heard of an all-moms "battle of the bands" to take place on Mother's Day, 2003, and with some prodding from friends and colleagues, The Mydols were born. Of course, it didn't matter that nobody knew how to play an instrument; it was full speed ahead and never mind the laundry! That Fall, folks around town began to see posters at gas stations, restaurants, soccer fields, bars, bus stations, jails, firehouses and daycare centers announcing ‘mom's night out’ shows by The Mydols. With only a couple of months to learn and almost master their instruments and style, The Mydols began playing out.Want to learn more? Visit
Also...Check out Judy Davids' new book "Rock Star Mommy" at or her blog at
..Check out these new photos of the Mydols with Wensdy VonBuskirk and Johnny Miller.