About Me
Bio: My name is Andrea, I was born on December 15th and blah blah blah, all things that in the end no one gives a fuck about. Our entire generation is getting totally dumb with these myspaces, facebooks, mobile phones and so on. The simple words lose relevance and the most profound ones fly around with too much lightness. It's too easy to say "I love you" or "I hate you" without looking someone straight in their eyes. Do I have to talk about me? I'm at the same time impulsive and too rational, presumptuous, sociopath, lazy, suffering from scepticism ataraxia, sclerotic, spoilt, superficial in what pisses me off and manic in what I love, I'm mummy's boy, moody and, finally, a little bit jackass. I'd like to make a living with music but in Italy it's impossible, so I moved to Los Angeles. I'm not a great author, I like to grab the ideas of who is really creative and to enrich them, to impoverish them, to punch them until someone stops me.
A special thank to all my music teachers (
Max Magagni ,
Alberto Bergonzoni ,
Giuseppe Bosi ,
Max Ruggeri,
Roberto Priori ,
Giacomo Castellano ,
Francesca Brancone) and to all those whom I play/played with, live or studio, from soul to hard rock (Ocean, Francesca Brancone Vision Band & Picchio G. from Black & Brown , 8 strings,
Horizons ,
Alberto Despini ,
Silvia Falivene ,
Intemperia ,
Nero su Bianco ,
Kissin' Dynamite and some more that now I can't remember.)