Jeez Photon, Elton John's former butler and Drax Valenti, 84 year old Russian orphan boy and former salt miner first met in 1993 on a cargo ship headed for Cuba. They had a mutual fascination in everything. Fourteen years on, they struggle to remember the early days:
"We had a sound...we knew it worked. Drax would tap out beats into his wax cylinder and I had a banjo..."
This was the basis of what was to be their first opus 'Waxy Tango Banjo Beats...', the recording of which was sadly lost when the aforementioned cargo ship sunk off the coast of Falmouth.
"Yeah..."adds Jeez narrowing his eyes and pulling focus on passing crows, "We're re-recording it. It's difficult to capture the energy and magic of what was a completely new form of music . You hear that kind of stuff on the radio all the time now, but then, we were making something quite new..."
"And what was this...'new sound'?", ask I.
"Progressive-sea-shanty", comes the reply. Drax hails a passing waitress. We sip our margaritas.
"Slut and whore..." offers Valenti.