Turbojugend K.C.MOPresident - D14BLO;Executive Officer - Jule$ White;Barely Legal Advisor - Rewster;Drunkyard - Ditto;Just a Fucking Member - Lady Goulet;Chef - xoolie mf jonz;Kapitan - Big O Zombie;Gardener - Anno;Close Combat Instructor (CCI) - P. WEE;Satans Slave - Shakezoola T. Bone;Frankentaint - Vice President (13th member);Pipe Musician - Klick Dark;Russian Lover - Cracker SmasherRock and Roll Babysitter - Vanilla Rice
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Local K.C.MO(Kansas City, Missouri) denim demons who would like to join our Jugend. Please speak with El' Presidente' for further instructions to begin your death punk lifestyle. We also welcome all jugend from around the globe.