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About Me

(Director – Dalia Kiseliunaite)
The folklore group “Vorusnele” takes its name from the river near Rusne town in the Klaipeda district of Lithuania, and from its forerunner – the Klaipeda University folklore ensemble “Vorusne”. Typically, “Vorusnele” has 25 to 30 members, children and youth ranging in age from 5 to 22 years. The group has been giving concerts since 1989 (14 programms).
The lietuvininkai are the descendents of the original inhabitants of Lithuania Minor, part of the former East Prussia, and many live in the Klaipeda district now. From the first days of “Vorusnele”, many of the lietuvininkai have brought their children and grandchildren to participate in the group’s activities. The children of all the newcomers to the Klaipeda district have also been invited to participate in “Vorusnele”, where they can learn the folklore from this region as well as from other parts of Lithauania.
The ensemble’s goal is to help the children learn about their native country and its traditional culture, particularly that of Lithuania Minor. This purposeful, creative activity strongly unites the members of this group. “Vorusnele” performs representative programs of the authentic lietuvininkai folkore and Protestant hymns from traditional folklore. Being a member of the lietuvininkai cultural association “Ma--oji Lietuva”, “Vorusnele”, with its songs and hymns, enriches cultural activity of the association. The memebers of “Vorusnele” learn correct performing techniques, they learn the traditional culture and they present this to the audience. Children and youth are stimulated to develop their creativity, to learn folklore traditions and communication based on Christian morality.
The director of the group, Dr. Dalia Kiseliunaite, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Baltic Linguistics and Ethnology at Klaipeda University. The group’s costumes are created according to the research done by Professor Elena Matulioniene, also of Klaipeda University.
The folklore group produced an audio tape “Vorusnele”, in 1997, and often performs on Lithuanian TV.
“Vorusnele” is a popular folklore group not only in Lithuania, but has concerts in different countries in Europe - Poland, Latvia, Russia, Germany, Denmark, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Finland. The ensemble participates in many different Lithuanian and international folkore and church songs festivals.
In 2005 „Vorusnele“ took the nomination „Golden Bird“ as the best Lithuania‘s children and youth folklore group 2004.
1. “Eisiu i girele” “I’ll go to the forest” 1989 (forest in Lithuanian folklore).
2. “Vorusnele” “Vorusnele” 1991 (the general program - folklore of Lithuania Minor).
3. “--tai i-- dangaus a-- ateinu” “I’m coming from the sky” 1993 (the Advent and Christmas hymns of Lithuania Minor).
4. “--irdingai a-- geidauju” “I have a hearty wish” 1994 (the Lenten hymns of Lithuania Minor).
5. “A-- turejau gaideli” “I have had a chanticleer” 1994 (the fowl in Lithuanian folklore – 5th year anniversary program).
6. “Ir a-- ma--as buvau” “I also have been small” 1995 (the Whitsunday program with the folklore of shepherds).
7. “A-- viens keleivis” “A lonesome wanderer” 1996 (the All Saint’s Day program: the folklore of orphans and ballads of soldiers).
8. “U-- jurems marems” “Over the seas” 1997 (the sea and water in Lithuania Minor folklore).
9. “Ta garbe gavome u--gime” “We’ve got this honour by birth” 1998 (the program dedicated to the famous Lithuanian folklorist V. Kalvaitis: Lithuania Minor folklore. A general concert for the 10th anniversary of the group was based on this program).
10. “Karta gyveno” “Once lived” 1999 (Lithuanian fairy tales and legends).
11. “Jau saulele” “The sun once again” 2002 produced in cooperation with the folklore group “Alka” (a folklore performance with the texts of Lithuanian classic poem K. Donelaitis “The Seasons”).
12. “Martyns papartyns” 2003 (Martin-Day program with children games).
13. “Ten ant juraciu” 2004 (“Land by the sea”: a program with the folklore material from the area nearby Baltic sea, the Curonian lagoon and Nemunas-river).
14. „Liaupsinki, mano siela“ 2005 („Praise, my soul“): Traditional Lithuanian Protestant hymns
(vad. Dalia Kiseliunaite)
“Vorusnele” savo varda paveldejo ne tik nuo Vorusnes upes, bet ir i-- savo “krik--tateviu” - Klaipedos universiteto folklorinio ansamblio “Vorusne”. Ansamblyje yra 25-30 nuolatiniu nariu nuo 5 iki 25 m. Savo veikla “Vorusnele” pradejo 1989 m. Svarbiausia veiklos kryptis - Ma--osios Lietuvos liaudies kurybos propagavimas. Ansamblio dalyvius vienija noras pa--inti tevi--ke, Ma--osios Lietuvos tradicine kultura, prasmingos savirai--kos siekis. Vadove Dr. Dalia Kiseliunaite yra Klaipedos universiteto Baltu kalbotyros ir etnologijos katedros docente. Ansambliui kostiumus kure tautodailininke Klaipedos universiteto destytoja Elena Matulioniene.
“Vorusnele” ivairiomis progomis reprezentuoja autenti--ka Ma--osios Lietuvos tautosaka ir tradicines krik--cioni--kas regiono giesmes.
Dainuodami ir dalyvaudami Lietuvininku bendrijos renginiuose ansamblio nariai patys mokosi pa--inti tradicine kultura, ja tinkamai atlikti ir supa--indina su ja savo klausytojus. Budama lietuvininku bendrijos “Ma--oji Lietuva” kolektyvinis narys, “Vorusnele” savo dainomis ir giesmemis praturtina visus lietuvininku renginius ir --ventes.
“Vorusnele” koncertuoja ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir u--sienyje: Lenkijoje, Latvijoje, Rusijoje, Vokietijoje, Danijoje, Cekijoje, Suomijoje.
Ansamblis aktyviai dalyvauja ivairiuose respublikiniuose ir tarptautiniuose folkloro ir protestanti--ku giesmiu festivaliuose, kurybinio ir krik--cioni--ko jaunimo stovyklose.
Leidyba: audiokasete “Vorusnele” 1997 m., “Jau saulele” (su “Alka”) 2002 m., “Ten ant juraciu” 2004 m.
Koncertines programos:
1. “Eisiu i girele” 1989 m. (giria Vakaru lietuviu folklore)
2. “Vorusnele” 1991 m. (pagrindine nuolat atnaujinama programa - Ma--osios Lietuvos folkloras)
3. “--tai i-- dangaus a-- ateinu” 1993 m. (tradicines Advento ir Kaledu Ma--osios Lietuvos giesmes)
4. “ --irdingai a-- geidauju” 1994 m. (tradicines Ma--osios Lietuvos Gavenios giesmes)
5. “A-- turejau gaideli” 1994 m. (jubiliejine ansamblio 5-mecio programa - gaidys lietuviu tautosakoje)
6. “Ir a-- ma--as buvau” 1995 m. (Sekminiu programa, kurios pagrindas - vaiku ir piemenu tautosaka).
7. “A-- viens keleivis” 1996 m. (Veliniu programa - na--laiciu ir karines - istorines dainos)
8. “U-- jurems marems” 1997 m. (jures-mares Ma--osios Lietuvos tautosakoje)
9. “Ta garbe gavome u--gime” 1998 m. (V. Kalvaicio 150-meciui Ma--osios Lietuvos tautosakos programa). Tos pacios programos pagrindu - jubiliejine ansamblio 10-c iui skirta programa.
10. “Karta gyveno” 1999 m. (pasaku ir sakmiu programa).
11. “Jau saulele” 2002 m. kartu su ansambliu “Alka” (folklorinis spektaklis pagal K. Donelaicio poema “Metai” su Ma--osios Lietuvos tautosaka ir giesmemis).
12. “Martyns papartyns” 2002 m. (Martyno dienai: vaiku --aidimu ir smulkiosios tautosakos programa).
13. “Ten ant juraciu ” 2004 m. (ansamblio 15-meciui): pajurio ir pamario pasaulio vaizdas tautosakoje.
14. „Liaupsinki, siela mano” 2005 Tradicines Ma--osios Lietuvos protestantu giesmes.

My Interests


Member Since: 08/04/2007
Band Website: www.liuteronai.lt
Record Label: Unsigned

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