WILL profile picture


Do the tootsy-roll

About Me

Wills life so far is a true sucsess story. An architypal gutter to gangster, rubbish to rude-boi, slum to sick-MC senario. After being born out of the gushing womb of an escapie kangeroo onto the dangerous and penertrative streets of Soho London he was raised by a local owner of a gay strip club where he learned the in's and out's of day-to-gay life. He soon became introduced to Maximus Knight-balls, a world renound penis tamer and ringleader of 'the circus of cum' which happened to be touring Will's home streets. Will became wuickly well aquainted and accustomed to the art of cum and Knightballs and the two waved goodbye to the dirty streets of London and set up home in the emerald city (Sheen) and continued to spread 'cum' over the masses who applauded and writhed with glee at the spectacle of father and son figure in the center of the spotlight grinning with proud faces. Until one day at the 'cum' finallie of the nights performance one customer and spectator got a wad too much for his liking and stood up screaming at Will:
"do you not remeber me you bastard?"
"who??" replied Will,
"THIS CHARMING MAAAAAN" replied the thck black haired james bond lockalike. Will saw images of the most grotesque and macarbe content flash before his Canadian-like beedy eyes and he remeberd back to the days of his conception. He remeberd the cosy, suptle pink flesh that was his home for 9 months inside that estranged kangeroo and he remeberd the figure that stood finger pointed in the distance as his own umbilical chord."oh lord.." cried will"its rly serioooooous" replied the man and produced a photo in his trembling hand. Just as Will expected the photo revealed imself and this man when he was his umbilical chord together hugging in the dank, evening air next to the falopian tube. It was at this point that will knew what he had to do.He had to be a bad MC going beyound 1,2,3 making complex anihalations of the most confident enemy throwing lycial hammers at those who opress and sending his oppents wifes and children into shamed distress he wanted to be the very best like noone ever was to MC was his real test, to lay girls was his cause he became. Ash of popular game/concept/lifestyle pokemon.squirtle (writen by charles cave)

My Interests

Jack & Max are on board


The Long Blondes
Talking Heads
The Like
Adam Green
Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster
The Smiths
Mystery Jets
Xerox Teens
Jurassic 5
The Libertines
Lost Penguin
The Cribs
Saul Williams
The Pigeon Detectives
Shy Child
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Graham Coxon
The Strokes
Arcade Fire
The Maccabees
The Clash
The Jam
The Spinto Band
Test Icicles
Jack Penate
Larrikin Love
Les Incompetents
The Rapture
The Departure
Whit Rose Movement
Tom Vek
The Walkmen
Fear of Flying
The Hair
Le Tigre
The Longpigs
Forward Russia
The Video Nasties
Patrick Wolf
Pull Tiger Tail
Adventure Playground
Action Plan
Good Shoes
Be Your Own Pet
Roland Shanks
Kid Harpoon
Giant Drag
Laura Marling
Hot Chip
You Say Party! We Say Die!
Architecture In Helsinki
Shirley Ellis
The Pipettes
Late of the Pier
Jamie T
Tilly and the Wall
She Wants Revenge
The Presets
To My Boy
We Smoke Fags
Lets Bitter Cinema
Boys Of Brazxil plus many many more......