Money Stacks Official Music Page profile picture

Money Stacks Official Music Page


About Me

BIOMichael Jay Perez has been from the bottom to the top, seeing unspeakable things; hearing, knowing and feeling things people only ever dream about.Michael, also known as Mjay, met Hip Hop when he was in 6th grade. The first time he found it in himself was in a freestyle battle. Not knowing as much as his opponent Hip Hop entered him and in triumph placed him above everything. It was in that moment that Mjay started to become Money Stacks.As he advanced in life he took Hip Hop along with him and learned from it. Through all his fights, anger, love and loss Hip Hop was his escape. His way of eating at starving moments, his way of release and his way of taking back.Money Stacks has always learned from the streets, so it is only natural that competition began to follow him. It is that competition, that battle, the hunger and the need to eat that Stacks believes is the purity of what Hip Hop is made from.Stacks has a quality about him that draws people in. A Star characteristic that surrounds him as if he were famous already. Never pompous or conceited he always makes any situation into a show stopping party leaving everyone stunned and wanting more.But the fame and popularity that Hip Hop brings is not what drives him. Its the love for Hip Hop, a dedication to a deeper than love connection. Hip Hop not only lives in him, he breathes Hip Hop and without air you can't live.Money Stacks is a young Puertorican man who was born and raised in the Bronx, the place where Hip Hop was created, and to him its almost as if Hip Hop knew he was coming.Stacks has a unique flow that's never been heard before which only adds on to his package of style and oh so ever desired swagga unlike no other. He has the ability to switch his flow up making the ladies go wild and the fellas boppin their heads.Stacks believes Hip Hop changes and evolves constantly and certain people in Hip Hop History brong about those evolutions. Stacks has the potential to do just that and once this "diamond in the dirt" is found a new era of Hip Hop will be found along wit it.There is much in store for Hip Hop and those who choose to Love or Hate it. Are you ready for Money Stacks? Cuz he's definitley ready for you.Written and edited my Lady DelCieloto see more videos Layout

My Interests


Member Since: 4/7/2007
Band Website:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None