Martial Arts, Motorcycles, and Ministry. Karate, Awayan, Arnis, Hapkido, Ju Jitsu, Kung Fu San Soo, Self Defense Ability, HO-RANG-EE Do, Combat Hapkido, Kempo, Judo, Karambit Kenpo, Wrestling, and Ryukyu Kobu-Jitsu!
MMA MySpace Codes
I DJ'd for a while, so I enjoy everything! I really love agressive, Heavy kickin' Ass Christian Music like, Pillar, Desciple, Thousand foot Krutch, Kutless, P.O.D., etc...
Hot Myspace CommentsDepends on my mood, The Last Samuri, Shanghai Noon, Rush Hour, A Knights Tale, Wedding Crashers, Fearless n' Hero...
I would hit the BIBLE first, and then anything with DEBBI DAVIDS in it! Its always a good read, O'yeah...
My Parents, JESUS, Brothers, n' my Sensei, Thank You!
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